Spring Day

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Class, as always, was boring. Especially without Hoseok there to crack jokes about how pointy the teacher's boobs were, or something equally ridiculous. He was sitting with Jimin and Taehyung, who were the most popular kids in class.

Besides me.

I guessed that I wasn't good enough anymore.

I gazed over at them as Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung huddled up, and Hoseok pointed at the teacher. He was telling them our joke, the one we made, the one I'd heard first. 

"Can I sit with you?" A small voice asked. I glanced up, and my eyes met with the interesting sight of a muscular boy, with a baby face and dark doe eyes. He reminded me of those big guys named Tiny. 

"Uh, sure." I said, shoving my notebook aside. "Jungkook, right?" 

He nodded.

"We went to the volleyball game together," Jungkook confirmed, pulling out the chair and sitting down in it. 

"So, are you one of Jimin and Taehyung's friends?" I asked. He shook his head shyly. 

"I've only really talked to them at the game. Jin's my best friend."

My lips formed the shape of an 'o', as Namjoon strode up to my desk with another boy that I'd seen at the volleyball game. The guy accompanying Namjoon had shaggy black hair and plump lips, and shoulders so broad, they nearly pushed Namjoon into a desk.

"Hey, guys." Namjoon said, leaning on the table, as Jungkook and Jin waved at each other. "What's all this about a volleyball game?" 

"Nothing really," Jungkook said, tone less tight in Jin's presence. He was about to say more when the teacher whipped around, shushing the class, and pointedly glaring in our direction. Jin and Namjoon dove into the only open seats, which were located in front of us. 

Sighing, I pulled the notebook back and opened it up again, pretending to study, when in reality, I was just scribbling lyrics into the expanse of lined paper bound to the blue cover.


"Mom! I'm home!" Namjoon called out, as Mrs. Kim ran downstairs.

"There you are," She said, exasperated. Her hair was pulled up sloppily, and she had dark bags under her eyes. See, Mrs. Kim was a strong, hardworking woman, but even she couldn't avoid looking tired some days. But Namjoon loved his mom either way, and that earned my respect. "Is this the new kid you're tutoring?" 

I glanced at Namjoon, who didn't give me a second look as he told her the white lie: "Yes, he is. Mom, meet Yoongi."

I gave him another look, before offering my hand for her to shake. 

"Hi, Yoongi." She said, smiling warmly. "I hope my son won't bore you too much, but please be patient with him. He's very gifted, and you could learn a lot from him."

Namjoon shoved his elbow into my back discreetly. I was sure he meant to simply nudge me, but the boy was a bit of a klutz.

"Of course, Mrs. Kim. Thank you for letting me study here." I said, before nudging Namjoon in the back too.

"Have fun!" She called after us, as we headed up the secluded staircase.

"Kim Namjoon!" I whisper-yelled. "I can't believe you let your mom think I need tutoring!"

"It's believable," He simply said. "But she can't know what we're really doing."

I sighed, as Namjoon opened the door to his room. It seemed a little smaller than it should have been, but kind of cute, too. I wouldn't have expected Namjoon to have so many Kakao Friends plushies on his white bed sheets. On the other side of his room, there was a primitive computer on a desk that looked a little worn down, and under the desk, there was a box. It was labeled "report cards/homework/awards", but when Namjoon lifted the black lid, it revealed two sets of headphones, several mics, and a speaker. 

"No offense, but your room's kinda small." I told him. Namjoon smirked. He strode over to one of the white walls and knocked on it. "I soundproofed it."

Suddenly, I choked on empty air. "How the hell did you do that?" I sputtered. Namjoon simply winked. I was absolutely puzzled. How could a klutz like Kim Namjoon manage to soundproof his old wall, and put a false wall over it without his parents knowing? My train of thought was broken as Namjoon handed me a mic that was hooked up to his computer, but before I could fully grasp it, Namjoon's hand slipped.

"God damn it," He muttered, as I caught the mic. "It's that damn groupchat." 

Namjoon's phone was practically bursting with text messages, and it was buzzing like a swarm of angry hornets who had their nest broken open by some klutz named Kim Namjoon.

"Just mute it," I told him. "Why'd we even make that groupchat?"

"Because of Hoseok," Namjoon said indifferently. "He wanted everyone to get to know his friends. And Soyoung. That's why we all went to the game together. Don't you remember?"

"Right, right." I said, waving my hand. "Let's see this so-called idea."


See, Namjoon was a freaking musical genius.


He'd written a beautiful, emotional track that had practically moved me to tears. I didn't have a single clue as to how, considering his parents weren't even aware. What infuriated me even more than not knowing how he managed to make music like that, was how he managed to keep his talents a secret.

I was probably sitting next to the person who'd win several Daesangs in the future, climb the charts like it was one of those monkey bars you were too tall for, and reach international fame. Yet, he decided to keep it a secret.

"It's amazing," I stuttered, pulling the headphones down so they lay around my pale neck. "How'd you come up with that?"

Namjoon blushed shyly, and gazed out the window. Little white flakes of ice fluttered down from the sky, and lay on the frosted grass. Winter in Daegu rarely brought snow, so the sight of it entranced my eyes. Soon enough, a thin layer of it had formed on the cars and trucks parked outside, giving the windshields a crystal-like sheen.

It was beautiful.

"I guess," Namjoon said, after a long moment. "I just missed spring."


A/N: sort of a filler, but i promise it's going somewhere :)

A/N: sort of a filler, but i promise it's going somewhere :)

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feelin those spring day vibes today 



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