Chapter 1

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Zuma woke up at 6:43 am to the his best bud Rocky. "Hey Zuma, lets get up." Rocky says. Both Rocky and Zuma shair a room together. "Okay." Zuma says while streching. "Let me check your diaper." Rocky says as he moves over to Zumas bed. Zuma roles onto his sthomac. Rocky lifts the back of Zumas Diaper to see if he had pooped. "Your going to need a change." Rocky says as he lets go of the diaper back, and it slaps down on Zumas rump. "Ok." Zuma says as stands up. Zuma then walks over to the changeing tabel, and gets on it. Rocky also walks over to the changing tabel. 

Rocky grabs a new diaper, wipes, diaper cream, and baby pouder from the shelf below. Zuma lays down on his back while Rocky sers the stuff up. "You got the back pretty good. Hows the frone?" Rocky asks. "I dont know." Zuma says as he looks down at his diaper. Rocky then pawwed at the front of Zumas diaper, then took a look. "Eh, you got it pretty good too." Rocky says. "Anay ways, lets get you changed." Rocky says as he starts un tapeing the tabs. Zuma nods in agreement. Rocky gets the two tabs un-done, and moves the front of Zumas diaper off of his groind area. "Ew, that stinks." Zuma says. "I agree." Rocky says as he grabs a baby wipe. Rocky then starts to wipe Zumas butt. Zuma lays there while Rocky wipes his butt. "So Zuma, you excyted for your birth day?" Rocky asks as he cotunes to wipe. "Yeeesss!" Zuma says as he gives a little wiggel. "Hey hold on, im still changeing you." Rocky says as he pauses wipeing Zuma beacuse he didnt want to get a poopy wipe on him or Zuma. "Oh yeah, sowwy." Zuma says. "Its ok." Rocky says as he grabs a new wipe, and cotunes to wipe. 

"Wocky?" Zuma asks. "Yes Zuma?" Rocky asks as he cotunes to wipe. "How long wewe you in diapews?" Zuma asks. "I dont rember. Also i culd still where diapers if i wanted to." Rocky says. "Well then how long did it take you to be potty twaned? Ow house twaned?" Zuma asks. "I dont quite rember. Maybe about the age of four." Rocky says as he finesh wipeing Zumas butt. "Why am i still in diapews still then? If it only took you a few yeaws?" Zuma asks. "Well that i dont know, but what i do know is that the time is differnt for ervy pup. Some it takes a while, some it takes like no time at all. Dont let the fact that you are still in diapers make any differnce in who you are. Infact these diapers make you specal and differnt then all us other pups." Rocky says as he unfolds the new diaper. "Yeah, i know. But why? Why havent i stoped going with out me knowing yet? I mean Twackews alweady mostly day twaned." Zuma says. "Is that a day diapew?"Zuma asks. "Umm, yeah." Rocky says. "Agen, for ervy pups, it takes a differnt amount of time." Rocky says. "Lift up." Rocky adds on. Zuma lifts up his butt while Rocky slips the new diaper under him. "But i dont get it. Twacker and Wubbel awe alweady pwetty good with being potty twaned." Zuma says. "Look, it takes a differnt amount of time for ervy pup. Its fine that its takeing you longer then them. Dont worry about it." Rocky says as he alines the new diaper under Zuma. "Yeah i know. But why cant i stop it?" Zuma asks. "I dont know Zuma. But dont fel bad Zuma. Cus look at Chase for instance. He just got a hold of his blater at night, and hes 7 and a half. He was day time trained by the time he was 6, and here he is night time trained mostly, and hes seven. It took him a long time to be potty trained." Rocky says as he puts the diaper pouder and cream on Zuma. "Ok." Zuma says. Rocky then brings the front of the diaper up, and places it over Zumas groind area. Rocly then takes one of the stucky tabs, and sticks it to the front of the diaper. He then does the same on the other side. "Is that good, or too tight?" Rocky asks. "Its good." Zuma says. "Ok, then, You can get down. Ill throw the diapty diaper in the trash. You can go get something to eat now." Rocky says as he folds up the dirty diaper. "Ok, thanks." Zuma says as he gets down and leaves the room. 

Zuma then goes to the dining room. "Widew, can i have some food?" Zuma asks. "Yeah, you can get what you want." Ryder says. "Can you get me some of the mowning food?" Zuma asks. "Shour." Ryder says. Rocky then comes in while Ryder in prepareing Zumas food. "Morning Rocky." Ryder says. "Morning Ryder." Rocky says. "What are we doing today?" Rocky asks. "I didnt have any plans. Is there anything you want to do?" Ryder asks as he puts some food into Zumas food bowl. "Eh, i dont know." Rocky says. "Can we go to the park?" Rubbel asks. "Thats fine with me." Ryder says as he gives Zuma his food. "Thanks Widew." Zuma says. "No problem" Ryder says. "I like that ida." Rocky says as he grabs a bwol for him self. "You guys in the tv room. Wuld you like to go the park?" Ryder asks. "Yeah." The pups in the tv room sed. "Ok, so when were all done with eating, will go. Sound good?" Ryder asked. "Yep." The pups sed.  

With that sed, the pups fineshed eating. "Ok guys, get what you need, then meet me in the loby." Ryder says. "Ok." The pups say as they go to there rooms. 

"Hey Zuma, want me to bring a change? Incase you need it." Rocky asks. "Ok." Zuma says. Rocky grabs a diaper some wipes, pounder, and puts it all into a little bag. Rocky then grabs his hat, and the two leave there room. They walk out to the lovy, and meet Ryder Everest, Tracker and Rubbel there. "You can put your stuff in the wagon." Ryder says. "Ok." Rocky replies. Rocky puts his stuff in as Skye comes out of here room. "We weady?" Zuma asks. "No, were still waiting on the boys." Ryder says. "Want me to go check on them?" Rocky asks. "Shour." Ryder says. "Ok." Rocky replies as he walks to Chase and Marshalls room. 

Rocky knocks on The bed room door. "You two ready yet?" Rocky asks. "Almost." Marshall replies. "Need help with anything?" Rocky asks. "Shour, come in." Marshall says. Rocky then opens the door, and comes in. "So you need any help?" Rocky asks. "Yeah. Chases says i shuld were a diaper. But i dont want to." Marhsall says. "Ok, well Chas. Why shuld do you thing Marshall shuld where a diaper?" Rocky asks. "Well you know. Hes not competly potty trained." Chase says. "So what?" Marhsall asks. "So if you dont have a diaper on and you acidntly go, its going to be on the park." Chase says. "Well, Marshall isnt in a diaper right now, and he isnt going on the flor. I thik it will be fine if he goes with out." Rocky says. "But what if he goes?" Chase asks. "Then he goes, and its just a acident. Will just clean it up." Rocky says. "Ok what ever." Chase says. "Ok so now that we have this solved, shall we go?" Rocky asks. "Yeah, lets go." Marshall says. "Chase?" Rocky asks. "Yeah, ill be out in a sec." Chase says. "Ok." Rocky and Marshall say. Rocky and Marshall then leave the room and walk out to the loby. 

"Hey guys, wheres Chase?" Ryder asks. "He sed he wuld be out in a sec." Rocky says. "Ok." Ryder says. A molment later Chase comes out of his room with a bag, and joins the pups in the loby. "You ready Chase?" Ryder asks. "Yep. Can i put my bag in the wagon?" Chase asks. "Yep." Ryder says. Chase then puts his bag in next to Zumas bag, and one other. "Ok lets go." Ryder says as he pulls the wagon with the three bags, Tracker and Rubbel in it. 

Ryder and the pups then hed off to the park. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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