Years of Sunshine

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Two months later after my sister was born, I found out my talent, loving and taking care of animals. This is very rare when a filly this young  gets a cutie mark. Usually filly get there cutie marks when there in middle school, or high school. Also on this special day, we found out a name for my sister, Derpy Hooves. I know this is a very weird name  for a pony, but she likes falling and make silly faces all the time! We made sure it wasent medical but Derpy just has a funny personality!

Three years pass of a true happy famliy!

All of us went to dinner at The Hay Burger for a suprize that mom and dad had for us. Thunderlane, Derpy, and I were questioning though why mom and dad were happy. "GUESS WHAT GUYS?" mom screetch "WERE GOING TO UNERVESAL STOUDEOS!!!!" All of us cheered happyly. Though I was having a gut feeling that it won't be a great trip...

I told mom that I never felt this way of a trip before, but mom for the first time ignore my gut feeling. I knew that I should just ignore it but my mind was telling me that,

Family bond will break if not right dession is made. Think while there, or a terable crisis will happen. Choose between love or fun....

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