chapter one

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Class was uneventful, as it always was. You had scribbled down notes and tried to pay attention, but you really couldn't focus on anything with the little amount of sleep that you had gotten the night before. Your second class was just as tiring as the first and you were relieved when it ended. You shoved your laptop into your backpack and pulled your phone out to text Hoseok while you walked out through the doorway.

[you 11:57am]
you out of class?

You grunted as you collided with something firm and your phone almost slipped out of your hand. You heard a thud and looked down to see a textbook lying by your feet.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" you apologized quickly, bending down to grab the textbook and looking up to see the boy in front of you beginning to crouch as well. He had his hood pulled up over his dark hair, but you had to take a second to collect yourself when you saw how cute he was. The two of you maintained eye contact for a few more long seconds before you realized you were creepily staring at this guy, so you hurriedly grabbed the book and straightened up, as did he.

"It's okay," he responded quietly, sending you a small smile while he held his hand out for the book. You returned his smile and handed him the Psychology textbook.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," you explained, though you realized you didn't really need to. He nodded and you saw one of his earbuds had been pulled out of his ear and was hanging onto his chest from inside of his hoodie.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," he told you nodding along and shifting to the side. You bit your lip and nodded back, smiling again awkwardly before walking away with the space he'd moved to give you.

God, you thought to yourself, internally groaning at your responses to the cute boy. Could I have been more of an idiot?

An incoming text pinged and dragged you out of your thoughts.

[hoseok 12:02pm]
yeah, i'll meet you outside
we're going to get chinese food

You sighed. This was the third time this week you were getting Chinese food with Hoseok, but you supposed he was the one driving so you didn't really have room to argue with him over it. And as you walked out of the building to meet your friend, all thoughts of the boy slipped out of your mind for the time being.

You and Hoseok made your way outside of the small restaurant and toward his car; you hadn't realized you'd spend over two hours having lunch together, but his afternoon was completely free before his dance practice and you'd missed him. The two of you hadn't gotten to spend as much time together as you'd hoped to, since you were both so swamped with midterm assignments. It always seemed to be that when he was free you had work and whenever you were free he had practice.

The two of you got into his car and he started it, plugging his phone in to the aux cord and playing his friend's original tracks. You loved listening to them, even though you'd never personally met this friend of his; all you knew was his name, Min Yoongi, and that he was studying music. And that he was really good at it.

"Thanks for driving me," you said over the low volume of the music. Hoseok smiled widely, patting your thigh from across.

"No problem, babe," he said with a small laugh. You rolled your eyes and pulled your phone out, pouting at the screen.

"Namjoon's still gonna be there when I start my shift," you complained loudly. You really liked the guy, you did. He was just kind of snobby and liked to use his seniority at work to make you do everything he didn't want to.

Hoseok's lips twitched and the car pulled to a stop a few blocks away from your workplace, a small family owned shop that sold all kinds of music. Not many people came, but you had heard from Seokjin that the owners were only using it as a side business anyway and they had originally started it to bring some control to their kid's chaotic habits; you loved to hear about drama that didn't involve you.

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