chapter two

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"He still hasn't asked me out!" you pouted to Hoseok, picking at your food. Hoseok groaned, smacking his lips together as he attempted to swallow down the food stuffed in his mouth.

"Will you stop whining about that?" he yelled around the food. He continued eating, rolling his eyes as you sighed for the millionth time.

"I can't help it!" you replied, taking a bite of your food and swallowing blandly. "He texts me all the time and we even went out for food, but—"

Hoseok shot you a dirty look as he took a swig of his water. "Have you thought maybe he doesn't want to date you?"

You tried to ignore the sting of his words, sharp little jabs into your chest. Your best friend was always completely honest with you, as per request; when you two became friends at a much younger age, you'd promised to never be fake with each other. "Shut up," you replied quietly. "Who wouldn't want to date me?"

Hoseok laughed and shoved your leg with his. "Yeah, you're right; you're a total catch."

"See?" you huffed. "Even you're in love with me!"

"We'd be the power couple of the century," Hoseok agreed. "Too bad you don't tickle my pickle."

You scrunched your nose. "I don't need to be thinking about your pickle, thanks."

Hoseok hummed and shrugged. You sighed again and checked your phone, bottom lip sticking out into a pout as you saw the many messages Jungkook had sent already.

[jungkook 11:07am]
soooo bored
what are u doin?
[jungkook 11:09am]
i miss u
still remember how good u taste

You shut your phone off again, squeezing your legs together at the insinuation of the text. You turned your eyes to Hoseok again, who reached over for the remote to turn the TV on to something else.

"... come back with the still unidentified suspect on the loose—"

Hoseok flipped the channel to a drama that had just started playing recently. You snorted and shoved at his shoulder, leaning back and laying down on his couch. "You're such a romantic," you whined. "Maybe I wanted to watch the news!"

Hoseok only raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, but my drama is more important than some news about some guy that got beat up in Daegu." You simply hummed in response, the two of you lapsing into a comfortable silence as he watched his drama and you scrolled through your messages.

[you 1:05pm]
what u up to?

[jungkook 1:05pm]
just doing hw :/
what about u?

[you 1:07pm]
just chillin

[jungkook 1:07pm]
by yourself?
i can come help u pass the time ;)

You chuckled under your breath and peeked at Hoseok, who didn't even bat an eyelash your way; his eyes were glued to the screen of his TV.

[you 1:08pm]
nah its fine
i'm with hoseok

Jungkook's reply didn't immediately come, which was odd since it usually did. When your phone finally buzzed with the response you'd been waiting for, Hoseok's doorbell rang and he started smacking your thigh.

"Ow!" you hissed, snatching your legs toward yourself and away from his palm.

"Can you go get the door?" he asked, still not looking at you.

You rolled your eyes and got up off the couch with a loud sigh to indicate your displeasure with his request. He paid you no mind as you made your way to the front door of his apartment, swinging open the door without much thought. Your eyes widened at the person stood on the other side, his own eyes wide and focused on you.

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