Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Mark Pov.

"Do you promise to take care of her?"

"She will be in good hands I can promise you that sir." I smiled at the very sick man.

He looked over his shoulder at the broken down shack he called home.

"The doctor _ the doctor gave me a week to live. All I want is to spend the last week of my life with the most important person in my life. Then you can take her okay?"

The man looked at me uneasy.  I haven't even looked my mate in the eyes yet but I loved her already.

"I'll be back in a week." I said putting my hand out for him to shake.

He observed it before shaking it.

I walked back to my 2014 Ashton Martin and drove off.

2 Weeks Later

Tiana Pov.

I still cant believe that he's gone. He was all I had left now I have no one.

Besides this creep thats been following me around for a week.

My dad arranged for me to live with him before he died, but I dont know the guy and to be honest I dont think my dad would leave me with a creep like this.

"Are you ready?" Mark asked as he put my last bag in the back of his car.

"I guess."  I said getting in the car and inatantly turning on his radio so he wouldn't try and make convo.

The whole ride I drifted in and out of sleep. Only because his stare made me uncomfortable in my sleep.

But I felt kind of whole when he stared and I was woke.

"I think I should let you know what to expect when you get to my house ok." he let out a deep breath.

"You will call me Master and me only any of your other superiors Mister or Mistress. You wil-"

"Are you an ass or just plain ignorant?" I asked in all seriousness. 

I heard some type of growl but I just assumed it came from the radio.

"Neither and you will respect me or your gonna get an ass whooping. Do you understand?" His grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"Yea" My dad must have saw something good in this man to be totally ok with him taking care of me.

"You will speak like you got some damn sense. Its not yea it yes. So yes what?"

"Yes Master." I put my head down against the window as he continued to tell me the rules of his house.

Eventually I just went to sleep on him. When I woke up we were parked outside a masion.

Well this place was way bigger then a mansion so I guess a castle.

We were parked in a circle  entrance and in the middle of the circle was a beutiful row of white roses  and a beutiful water fountain of cupid shooting water out of his arrow.

"Come." he called to me as if I was a dog. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car none the less.

I put my satchel over my shoulder and started walking towards the door. As soon as I stepped on the porch the door swung open.

A beautiful but aged older black women stood at the door she sorta looked like Mark. Well she had his eyes.

"Mom," he smiled and reached for her. Him compared to her made him look a lot more bigger.

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