Chapter Thirteen; Argument Galore

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Chapter Thirteen; Argument Galore

I closed my laptop placing it on my coffee table and moving to the door as I heard a knock, quite a harsh knock.

"Ashton?" I said shocked going to shut my door as soon as he looked at me. Red circles were around his eyes as if he hasn't slept for weeks.

"I need to talk to you,"

"I don't think that's a good idea," I started before he cut me off


I nodded looking outside not seeing Luke's car outside his house letting me know that he's not there so he won't ask about this. He sat on my sofa looking at my laptop and facing me

"I'm not a bad guy Nicky," he said making me laugh and regret bringing him into my house

"You killed Luke's mom ashton," I snapped feeling all of a sudden protective of my boyfriend.

"I didn't," he muttered looking away making me scoff "I was in the car that hit her yes but I weren't driving,"

"That doesn't make it any better," I muttered grabbing some popcorn and walking back into the room.

"My dad was driving Nick,"

"Nicky," I corrected making him scoff

"Why can I not call you Nick?"

"Only my friends can call me Nick,"

"Am I not your friend Nick?" He smirked making me roll my eyes

"Get out my house ashton," I snapped waking Storm up

"I don't want to," he said standing up and walking towards me backing me into a wall making me panic.

"Ashton Stop," I croaked out as his hands started touching my body


"Ashton," I shouted as the door flew open.

"What the-"


"Are you ok nicky?" Kensie said, her hand rubbing up and down my back. Michael was currently in the kitchen with Luke.

"Thanks for coming to check on me Ken's," I muttered staring at the wall.

"I heard noises and I saw ashton at your door," she said looking out the window.

"What you hoping for?" I said referring to her baby

"I want a boy," she said smiling "Michael wants a girl,"

"Oo names?" I said peeking up a bit

"I want to name the boy Grayson," she said smiling "he wants to call the girl Haley,"


"He thinks it's cute. And so do I,"

"how could you let him in Nick. After the last time you seen him,"

"He said he needed to talk," I simply said making him scoff "don't get mad at me luke,"

"I'm not. I was just worried," I nodded kind of believing him.

"Luke he said he never killed your mom," it seemed like a switch was flicked in luke

"He was talking about my mom!"

"He said he never killed your mom. He weren't driving,"

"He was there Nick, therefore he killed my mom!"

"So if I was there. In the car. In the back. You would think I killed your mom," that made him stop and glare at me

"It isn't the same,"

"It is. Luke. He was present, if I was there, I would be present. Therefore with your theory I would of killed your mom,"


"Stop," Kensie and Michael said

"Kensie can't have stress," Michael finished making me scoff

"She isn't part of this," I snapped instantly regretting it after as her hand left my back and I saw the look on her face.


"No stop. I'm tired of being victimised," I snapped making luke scoff

"I don't know how," Luke added.

"I'm not weak, I could of dealt with Ashton,"

"Looked like it," Kensie scoffed finally speaking up

"Oh you talk now!"

"You know what, I'm done with this. Next time then I see ashton on your door stair begging to come in. I won't send Michael over, I won't spam Luke to get home right now and over yours." She said standing up "the way your acting now makes it seem like your pregnant and not me,"

"Don't rub it in," I snapped

"It's not my fault that you can't stay in a relationship long enough," she said before walking out the house slamming the door shut.

"Everyone get out," I muttered turning around and walking into the bathroom locking the door behind me. I sat on the bath side and placed my head into my hands, I heard movement downstairs letting me know that luke probably didn't go.

"Bab," I heard him say and knock on the door

"Leave me alone luke," I said wishing he goes

"I'll be in your room,"

"Just go,"

"I'm never going,"


Forbidden love // Luke Hemmings ✔️Where stories live. Discover now