Chapter 1 - A Step Too Fare

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Warning - Violence, Murder, Deaths - Talks about sexual abuse (rape) and nonsexual abuse both physical and mentally pluse more
Harry- I was walking to the table getting ready to put Dudley's food done but unfortunatly I tripped grabbing hold of the table cloth and as I go down everything goes down with me. All around me there was loud crashes and pieces of broken glass everywhere, I hear a loud inhumane sound near me, I look up to see my uncle standing up with his fist tight as his knuckles go white as he huffs in anger ad his face turns into unnatural colour of dark purple. I got up to get away but there was not time left as he grabs me dragging me up stairs to my room tying my hands up to the chains and metal bar above as I think 'I've done it this time, this time he is going to kill me'. I look up seeing my aunt getting ready to join in which is unnatural for her because she never joins in with the painful abuse unless it's when I burnt something and she would throw something like a jar at be or put my hand on the stove or put my hand in boiling hot water. I sigh looking down wishing someone could see me and hear me now, so someone could rescue me but of course that wouldn't be allowed no matter one bit all because the manipulative old fool playing at the light Lord when he is the worst of the worst of dark Lord and more ever. I feel my uncle rip all of my clothing leaving me bare naked in front of them all as I blush in humiliation and That's when everything happened as once the three that was meant to be my so called 'Family' attacked leaving me soon to blank out to only wake up in the morning a little insane. I us my core magic healing my self fully before wandlessly and wordlessly magic up a ropes, a gun, a katana and many more wonderful weapons. I smirk wrapping the rope around my hand as I walk out the room whihc they didn't bother to lock because they though I wasn't going  anywhere, well they thought wrong. I chuckle quietly as I walk into my uncle's and aunt's bedroom. I open the door as I let my magic compels and manipulates the ropes as they unattach from around my fingers latching onto my uncle's and aunt's wrist as I quickly put up a powerful sliencing but private warding spell around then. I pick a swiftblad walking over to my now fully awake uncle, I smile innocently up at him "well what do we have here, oh a wild animal that been naughty I think the naughty animal should be punished for misbehaving, what do you think I should do" I say as I swirl/twirl around my fingers putting the tip of the very sharp knife to him "I think there's two options either did with torture or I could just kill you straight away but then again weres the fun in that hay" I step even more closer make sure to dig at him deeper getting it cut him a little " this is will be the best day of my life you know, because I going to get revenge on what you did to me, so it's now your turn to feel the horrible pain that you and your family did to me espeically you because the pain was tormenting and dangerous including very extremely painful because it felt like I was beening torn apart and ripped to shreds now it's your turn either dead or alive" I snap my finger revealing there now naked body as sex toy abuse my uncle hole and both of my aunt holes. I look at my uncle with a disgusted and disappointed look on my face as I say shacking my head "you shouldn't of raped me or forced me into anything at all espeically when I fell pregnant either either yours, your sons or his friends because of being raped by all of you then what do you do that very night, you kicked and kicked making sure the baby died, I knew you had know espeically with that murderous vile look as you killed the poor baby within me then later on I had to go through a gruesome painful pregnancy letting a poor dead baby out of me which was actually the first time that I fucking didn't care about anyone anymore I didn't care if people died, I didn't care if I ever feel in love I didn't care about anything except for making you all pay for what you did to me and my poor baby" I let the tears fall hopelessly down my face before looking now at my aunt "you on the other hand didn't care about anything to do with me you just sat back watching everything and letting everything happened because I remember every time I was sexually or nonsexually abuse you where always there letting everything happen to me laughing and enjoying the show go on, you own nephew your own bloody blood al because I was born different all because you were jealous of Lily my mother having magic, oh yes I know about how when Lily got the letter you went a wrote to Dumbledore about how you wished to have magic and join the school your self, so you could have magic, learn including join Lily and her best friends Severus fucking Snape all because you where jealous you let everything happen to me what a fucking horrid women I hope you enjoy hell" I slit her throat at the moment hearing Uncle Vernon scream as he watches his wife bleed out and die in front of him. I turn quickly with a smirk on my face "now let's have fun shall" we as I hear my uncle begging for mercy and more "there is no mercy for what you did to me" I started to cuts words into him for example 'Fat, Rapest, Pedophile, Whore, Slut, Nephew fucker, Butt fucker and more' until I went down and chopped is dick and balls off making him swallow them and that's how he died by chocking on his own organs. I sigh taking the charms and spell down letting but left them still hanging before walking into my cousins room putting a charm on him to check him a sleep as I levitate him down stairs as metal chains are around him for in to now escape as I out him into my old room 'the cupboard under the stairs' as I wake him up magicing spiders on him "Hello Dudley, oh hows it hanging"

Dudley- "Harry what's going on?" I say as I look around my seeing my self under the understairs cupboard in chains and spiders around me I look at my cousin innocently "please cousin please help me out"

Harry- I smirk leaning down "well Dudley this is what pay back is you either died tonight or not well there paralysation or more of a mental heal surrounding other then that there could be other better things better then the other than the rest other than death"

Dudley- "Harry please don't do this, you don't have to do this it could all turn out a happy ending for us all just let me free before my mum and daddy find out"

Harry- I smirk more evilly "oh they wouldn't be be finding out on bit, there already dead also I don't what to do this that's correct but the thing is I want to do this, so yes I am going to do this and mother can change my mind" I snap my fingers as the spiders crawl as they either bit through his skin crawling in through into his body that way or they crawl within his mouth going in that way, he screamed until his last breath a minute later watching him die painfully. I click my fingers their bodies are now outside on thick wooden pole hanging upside down with you have been warned albus dumbledore written through them ' 'you have' on my aunt, 'been warned' on my uncle and 'Albus Dumbledore' on my cousin I smirk before putting a Innocent face on as I magic all of my belongings as I close the door walking outside, walking past my ex families bodies as I click my finger making the house go caboom with fire and pieces everywhere as I apparte out of the place

Dumbledore- me, Severus and Minnie stand looking shockly at everything in front of us. I look at them "we have to find Harry also find out who did this in the first place" I see them both nod in agreement as they both apparte away I smirk happy that I both have them both under my thumbs "I will get you Harry and make sure you win this war and I will kill you give money to the Weasley's and Granger including for me and I will be famous once again" I smirk evilly as I apparate away


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