Chapter 3 - Dangerous Love

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Harry- I'm wake up felling sick I run to the bathroom vomiting once finished I clean up fully with a nice fresh minty breath when I hear banging from outside , I put my hand on my now 2 month and a half pregnant belly in protection even though he or she isn't that big yet but is also very noticeable more then it did last time

Harry- I'm wake up felling sick I run to the bathroom vomiting once finished I clean up fully with a nice fresh minty breath when I hear banging from outside , I put my hand on my now 2 month and a half pregnant belly in protection even though he ...

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(Only the belly size not everything else of course) . Once fully finshed and clean with a fresh minty breath, I hear bang on thr door down stairs, I start running to the bedroom window seeing Dumbledore and the order of Pheonix outside. I run over to See frantically shacking him awake. "Severus, their here Dumbledore and his headless Chicken army is here, we have to get out of here quickly"

Severus- I put more heavy powerful wards up as we both get everything throughout the house making it empty as If no one even lives here and there is no furniture and more beforerunning back up stairs grabbing Harry just in it as I take away every magic that we did making as If I haven't lived here for years including Harry's signature within this house unexsisterable one bit as we hear the door down stairs bang opens as we apparate away from the location somewhere else but safe.

----Riddle Manor----

Tom- I was in a meeting with everyone except for a few exceptions of certain people when a flash of bright lights appear in front of all of us to reveal both Seversus and Potter in each other's arm Severus behind Potter with Potter back to his chest and both got their hands protectively on Potter's stomach.

Bellatraix- I run forward getting ready to curse them both when I have a fired at me making me land on the floor scteaming in pain.

Tom- I see the rest with the wands up I stand up from my throne putting my hand up for them to put their wands down "wands down everyone wands down" I walk forward seeing the pair get even more protective of each other as their eyes flash red and something which I know but I just can't put my mind onto it "what is the meaning to this"

Severus- "My Lord we both need your help for safety Dumbledore and his order are coming after us espeically what happened moments ago"

Tom- "what happened and why should I protect you both espeically Potter"

Harry- "they came bang at our door when I just came from the bathroom after having a swirl of morning sickness before then cleaning up and checking what was going on then waking up got everything before both appearating here"

Tom- I step even more forward when hearing a sharp preditoreal growl from both of them. I put my hands up in defence at the to other vampires in the room (Tom's a royal Vampire, Werewolf hybrid from the Mikealson line which is one of the original three vampire lines the other two lines are Dracula and Lefay line). "I won't hurt you, either of you please, can I" I see them both nod. I walk forward again this time not getting growled at as I put my hand to Potter's stomach "do you really have a child within here"

Harry- I smile nodding my head "yes" I say when I smell another mate coming from someone else this time and not just Sev.

Severus- I smell a smell coming from Harry a mate one which is normal but one also coming from the dark Lord

Tom- I seeing then look confusingly at me I raise my eyebrow they both point to their nose, I take a wift of air smelling what they were smelling "Mates" I say growl prosessively at my two submissive knowing that Sev is also half Dominate also. I pull them close as I sent them and claim them with my bit mark.

Bellatrix- I growl screaming loudly "I was meant to be your mate, me not them bloody traitors me and me only"

Tom- I growl clicking my fingers snapping her neck before looking at the two Of strange twin brothers Rabastan and Rodolphus " you are both now free and can be together" I se their eyes sparkle

Narcissia- I scream as I felt the connection of my sister diserpear as I run into the throne with my wand in my hand pointing it at Voldemort "how dare you kill my sister you will pay for" but before I could finish everything turn black

Draco- I run over to my father or should I say Daddy kissing him on the lips (incest is aloud in the story and Wizardy and Witchcraft world in this) before pulling apart "we can fully be together now daddy" I peck him on the cheek before letting my glamour down revealing my 5 month pregnant stomach relvead as the too small t-shirt reveals it fully as I put his hand on it felling the twins kick. I turn smiling at Hary and the rest "I'm sorry about the way me and my father acted it's all our mother's fault she made up how everything until the day either she or us die"

Everyone- "we understand"

Fenrir- "Can I get my mates" I say as everyone got all together with the true people they love seeing them all nod so I apparte to number 12 Grimmdelwald Place, I walk in to find my two mates curled up with each other on the couch "Sirius, Remus?"

Sirius- I stand up quickly pointing my wand at Greyback "what do you think your doing here also how did you get here when there is wards up?"

Fenrir- "only a mate can go through their mate or mates wards without having to ask or more"

Sirius- "wait mates" I turn to Mooney " I thought you were my only mate's

Remus- I sniff the air "I thought so to until now"

Fenrir- "I'm sorry for everything I did and more pulse for for turning you Mooney after all it was a stupid rivalry between you and your father it was stupid of me pulse Mooney you have to stop taking them potions they are killing you don't you see how harder it is and how weaker you are after and jouring each full moon each time, you are killing yourself and I'm going help you even mate or not I don't want my pup dying on me espeically one of them hope I love both in kinky daddy way and not"

After all that everyone got with there true mates and more


I'm A Danger To My Self And Everyone Else - HPWhere stories live. Discover now