Chapter 18

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Leo's POV

My list would be really hard for everyone because it is all stuff from before they all knew me.


When I was 4 I had an imaginary friend named mr. Bob.

I once got caught spying on my neighbors.

When I was 11, I was running from a place and I saw someone fall of the St. Louis arch and freaked out because I thought they died.


When Frank finished reading, Percy's face turned pink.

"You, you saw someone fall off the arch?"

"I can't tell you dude!" I yelled at him, "that's part of the guessing."

"Um, mr. Bob is the lie," frank said.

I turned to the air next to me. "Do you want to tell him the lie Mr. Bob, or should I?"

"Zhang, you are so wrong, the lie is the spying on the neighbors, duh."

"So you saw someone fall off the arch?" percy asked.

"Well I said that was a truth didn't I? why do you care so much?"

"Well, that was me who fell off the arch," percy said, his face turning even darker pink.

"Percy, you scared the poop out of me, because I stopped to look for you, I got caught and was taken back to the foster home. Jackson, you are dead."

Franks POV

After Leo finished chasing percy around, completely covered in flames, it was finally my turn.


When I was little I held a funeral for a worm on the side walk, and screamed when a beetle started to eat the worm.

I used to love mythomagic.

I love Arion.


Ok I know mine is really easy to guess, but I want to leave, hazel and I have a date tonight and need to get ready.

"I don't think you even tried Zhang, loving Arion is the lie, you hate that horse!" Leo said.

I blushed.

"Now can I go? I have to go get ready."

"Sure, we are all going on dates tonight," Piper said," all you boys go get ready."

"What can I do, I don't have a date!" Leo exclaimed.

"Find one."

Thank you all for reading, ok LEO NEEDS A DATE!!!! Please comment your name, godly parent, and hair color, for a chance to be Leo's girl friend!!!!!

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