Chapter 1 - September 11, 1986

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Captain EO is over and done with. After such a long-time helping Michael with lines and being on set with him from time to time, it's all ended up being worth it. Frank has it to where Michael is single in public. While it bothers me, it also keeps the attention away from me. The paparazzi is virtually uninterested in me anymore. While that takes a load off of me, it only makes them ten times worse for Michael. Which actually isn't even that bad right now since he's been keeping out of the public eye for a little over a year now. If the paparazzi ever sees me it's just to ask how I feel about Michael's success, but other than that, I don't have a gang of paps on my back anymore. By the grace of God, we've found a place that no one can get to at the moment. Literally, no one knows where we live beside Frank and our family. For that, I am eternally grateful.

"So, doc, what is this thing used for?" Michael asked the doctor as he, Frank and I viewed the hyperbaric chamber.

"Well, Michael, this is mostly used by divers. Its main purpose is to increase the ambient pressure on a person to treat decompression sickness or air embolism by eliminating bubbles that have somehow formed in the body," Dr. Cole responded.

"It looks like a bed for an astronaut or something," Michael laughed.

"It does, doesn't it? Many divers rave about the effects after using the chamber."

"Can I get in it?" He asked.

"Get in the chamber?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah. I mean, don't turn it on. I just want to see what it's like to be in it," Michael shrugged.

"Uh, sure, why not?" The doctor opened the chamber for Michael to get in.

"Hey, Frank, take some photos for me," he instructed Frank. Sometimes I'm thankful for Frank for putting the focus on Michael and his career and keeping everyone off of me, but sometimes I feel as though he does not like me. And he especially hates when I come with Michael anywhere. Frank got his camera out and started taking pictures once the chamber was closed with Michael inside. Michael lay on his back as Frank took a couple of shots and then turned on his side, his face facing the camera with his eyes closed as Frank took a couple more shots. Once they were done, Michael got out. "I want you to leak these photos to the press. Tell them something along the lines of 'Michael Jackson preparing for his role as Captain EO'or 'Michael Jackson as Captain EO.' Something like that. I need it to promote the film as we premiere it in Epcot tomorrow. I feel like I can tell the press anything about me and they'll buy it. We can actually control the press! So, I need you to send this out for everyone to see. Make sure there are big headlines talking about me preparing for Captain EO. I don't want this story to go unnoticed."

"Sounds good to me, Michael," Frank shrugged. Frank looked at me, "are you going to the premiere?"

"Well, I planned on it. I-"

He cut me off, "just make sure you're nowhere near Michael, okay? We don't need the press thinking you're his stalker ex or something."

"I'm sure they wouldn't feel some type of way if I came as a friend, right?"

"Sweetie, they still see you as the groupie he had in and out of his house. They'll never see you as just a friend. They'll just equate you with being a stalker at this point. We don't need that. We need the attention on Michael for the premiere, okay? So, if you show up, wear a crazy disguise or something. Just don't draw attention to yourself."

Michael stepped in, "Frank, you don't have to talk to her like that," he came to my defense. "I want her there. I want Shayla to be able to attend the show with me somehow. You make sure she arrives safely. You make sure she arrives as herself. I don't want her in a disguise. I want her to come as herself. Even if that means sneaking her in at the back of the theater shortly before the film begins. I don't want the press to disrespect her and I don't want you to disrespect her. You work for me, Frank. Remember that," he shot him a look.

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