Chapter 3

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After a long day at the parks, Michael and I took the monorail back to our room at The Contemporary. Out of all the resorts, this was Michael's favorite. The Polynesian is mine. Next time we visit Disney World, we're definitely staying at The Polynesian.

"Mike, Shayla, you guys did well out there. I'm proud of you kids." Frank offered as we got off of the monorail.

"I think our plan worked, don't you?" Michael asked him.

"Right up until they remembered her and started asking you questions. Everything went well. I'll catch you all back in California tomorrow. Don't forget that recording session, Michael."

"I'll be there," Michael assured him. We went back to our room as Frank went to his. All I can think about is how I'm going to tell Michael how Frank lied to our faces this morning. Knowing Michael, he's going to be pissed, but then again, you never know. He's put all of his trust into Frank like he's a godsend or something. While we are both grateful for what Frank has done for Michael's career, it's actually quite bothersome how I feel like Michael literally takes everything Frank says as Bible. "Did you have a good day, baby?" Michael asked me as he unlocked the door to our room.

"Yeah. It was quite eventful. Did my acting classes pay off?" I wondered.

"They sure did! I want to see you on the big screen, babe!"

"Now you're hyping me up," I laughed.

"No, I'm serious! And the way you handled their questions about how you were lucky to have been chosen to be with me again was amazing! You never got out of character. Just amazing!" He kissed me on the cheek and made his way to the restroom. I went to join him and turned the shower on, shedding myself of my clothing. As he relieved himself, I stood underneath the water allowing it to run over and through every crevice of my body. Michael got in and stood behind me as he pressed his manhood against my behind.

I blushed, "Michael, I have to tell you something."

"What, baby?" He asked as he kissed my neck and ran his hands across my breasts.

"Frank lied to us this morning."

"About what?" His voice deepened as his fingers made his way to my womanhood.

I tried to suppress my desire to give in, "the tabloid this morning. He lied. He made it up, not the National Enquirer."

At that, he paused, "what?"

I turned around to face him, "Mother called him this morning after you left for the premiere. She told him that he should stop lying on you. At first, I thought she made a mistake, but he told her the Captain EO headline you wanted wasn't enough, so he made up another story."

He looked away from me, confusion taking over the lustful demeanor he had thirty seconds before, "did you ask him why he would do something like that?"

"He told me your story wasn't interesting enough and that he's out to get you attention, not to continue iterating that you prepared for the role. I know you trust him, baby, but he has crossed the line."

Michael stood in silence as he thought over everything I said, "I'm going to confront him," he said as he started washing up.

"Before you go down there with all the irrational bones in your body right now, I highly recommend thinking everything through before you confront him."

"Think what through, Shayla? He just made a mockery of me in front of the whole world! Why should I be rational about this when he just made me look like a fool? Especially, the day of the premiere! No, he's going to get a piece of my mind. I trusted him. With him disrespecting you, our union and me, I'm sick of it. He has gone too far!" He said as he rushed out of the shower and went to get dressed. I feel good about telling Michael. Hopefully, he sets Frank straight, because, at this point, I'm sick of it too.

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