Chapter One: Carnival

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Hello! This is my first GerIta fan fiction, so don't get too mad if I mess something up. I hope you enjoy it, and please give me any suggestions you have for where the story should go. This is an all fluff story, but it may have a few curse words in it so beware. Thanks! Enjoy the story!


"Germany, Germany!" the auburn-haired Italian yelled as he ran up to a big, muscular, blond man.

"Vhat ist it zhis time, Italy?" the German sighed. He turned to see a boisterous Italy running up to him only to pounce on him. Italy grabbed onto Germany and wrapped his arms around Germany's neck while his legs were tied around the German's waist. This surprised Germany and caused him to stumble back from the impact. Yet, the big man kept his balance. "Vhat are you doing? Get off of me!" Germany boomed.

"Germany! Please, can we-a skip training today? I'm-a really tired!" Italy begged. He held on tighter to the large man.

"Italy, vhy vould ich do zhat? Training ist very important and ve need to do it!" The blond reprimanded. "Besides, vhat vould ve do if ve didn't train today?"

"Well-a, there's a new carnevale in town, and I-a really want-a go!" Italy replied. "Per favore, Doitsu?" Italy looked up with a pleading face, but his eyes were still not open.

"Fine," Germany sighed. How could he complain? Honestly, this Italian will be the death of him. He'd do anything for Italy.

"Yay!" The Italian cheered. He still clung to Germany as he looked up at the German and gave him a wide smile that made the German blush.

"Vell, you better go get ready," Germany said.

"Germany, can I-a please invite Japan? Maybe-a America too?" Italy begged one last time.

"I guess, but zhat's it!" Germany gave in.

"Ve~! Grazie Germany!" Italy then wandered off back to Germany's house.

"Vhat am ich gonna do vith him?" Germany facepalmed.

~Time Skip~

~Germany's POV~

In the end, Italy invited a whole group of people. Currently walking around with Italy and I are Japan, Austria, Hungary, Prussia, America, France, Britain, Romano, and Spain. How we got such a large amount of countries here on time? I don't know. I don't even know why they are all here.

I feel a sudden weight on my arm, and find Italy hanging there. "Ve~! Germany, I'm-a so happy right-a now! Grazie, Germania!" Italy giggled and then did something very unexpected. The auburn-haired country leaned in and kissed me on my cheek!

"V-Vhat?! Italy?!" I stammered as my face heated up. "Warum hast du mich geküsst?" I asked, my voice low. Italy didn't respond to my question, as he didn't know what I was asking. (It means "Why did you kiss me"). Italy then ran up to France to blabber about something.

"Kesesesese!"I heard come from behind me. "Looks like my little bruder has a crush!" Prussia teased in my ear.

"Gilbert! You saw?" I was shocked.

"Ja, brohas. You two are so cute togezer!" Prussia said to me.

"Vell, ve better catch up, or ve are gonna get left behind," I stated, deciding to avoid the subject.


We all went to some rollercoasters first. We eventually ended up at the biggest one at the amusement park.

"Awesome dude! This one's gotta be the best! It's so cool!" America yelled as he sprinted up to the line entrance.

"America, wait up! Don't run so.. fast!" Britain called after America with France soon behind to continue their bickering.

I trudged along to follow them, but it felt unusually quiet.

~Italy's POV~

I found myself staring at a cute little tomato plush that was a prize for a game. I wandered over to it and smiled.

"Germany! Can you-a get this for-a me? Per favore? Germa-" I paused when I looked back. I didn't see anyone.

"Germany? Fratello? Prussia? Mr. Austria? Ms. Hungary? America? France? Where-a is everyone?" I called out. I quickley ran around, searching for everyone.

~Germany POV~

I looked around at the faces that surrounded me. I saw Japan, America, Britian, France, Prussia, Austria, Hungary, Romano, and Spain, but I did not see Italy. Where was he?!

"Guys, vhere is Italy?!" I questioned, a bit fearful for his well-being.

"Vhat? I zought he vas vith you?" Austria stated.

"You stupido potato-bastard! You-a must have walked-a away from him! My fratello is probably-a so scared right-a now! Stupido!" Romano yelled and tried to attack me, but Spain pulled him back.

The ground started moving as I realized  I was running. Where? I didn't know, but I knew one thing.

I had to find Italy.

Thanks for reading. More chapters soon! Sorry this one was a little short, but I hope you enjoyed it!


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