Resolve to kill

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She had to summon him. The golden arrogant bastard she threw a book at years ago. She knew he didn't remember her. Servants never remembered the past Grail Wars they were in (Saber was a special case though Mizore never really understood and didn't care enough now).

Gilgamesh, King of Heroes and the most powerful servant. She knew full well how he was. Her father had summoned him in the 4th Grail War and her sister had fought against him in last one. The world must despise her. Of course, she didn't fully hate the blonde. She was grateful somewhat as he did play a part in the death of her parents. She did, however, hold a grudge to what he had done to her sister. Because of his selfish desire, Rin had died. She could never forgive him for that.

She was on the rooftop, letting the winter breeze blow through her white locks. She didn't bother to check whether Archer was in spirit form or not, she let him do whatever he wanted. If he wanted to waste her family's money then that was fine, her father would have to deal with the repercussions.

It was likely that Fukuhara would've summoned a servant already as well. Since there weren't any explosions and the school was intact, she guessed that his servant was in spirit form, protecting him. What kind of servant would he have summoned? Saber? Caster? She didn't know much about his abilities but it couldn't be much. The Fukuhara family wasn't a very long like the Einzberns or Matous so killing him off wouldn't be a problem. The problem was the servant. No matter how powerful Archer may be, depending the the servant's origin he could have some trouble.

The bell rang to signal that classes were done as the young girl headed back inside. Rin was never able to kill Shirou despite how easy it would be. She wouldn't be that way. She would kill whoever stood in her way. She solidified her resolve again as she searched for the brown haired male. She could just ask people where he was but talking to people was something she's never been good at.

What you are planning mongrel?

Oh so you were around.

She heard the sound similar to that of an annoyed huff.

All you need to do is distract a servant while I kill the master.

My treasury is not to be us-

You may have been a so called 'king' in the past but right now you're my servant.

A mongrel such as yourself speaks to a king like that?

If you have problem with it, then kill me.

She heard grumbling through the link and rolled her eyes. He could easily get another master but he wouldn't be able to use his power to its fullest since her mana was special. She looks around as she walks through the school, finding the person she was looking for as she walked past a window.

Make the servant appear then knock them away.

What are you going to do?

Shoot the master with Gandr of course.

The Archer servant already knew his master was stubborn the moment he was summoned. The introduction they had said it all.

"Destroy the Grail? What gives you the right to destroy one of my treasures?"

"I simply feel like it is all."

"And someone like you is my master?"


"Hmph. You may have powerful magic circuits but you're still a mongrel."

"You're half mongrel too asshole."


"I'm already suicidal enough. I don't need some golden arrogant bastard making it worse."

She was brave in a way, he had to admit. His master was extremely blunt and clearly didn't care much for anything but there was something in her eyes that he couldn't quite place. Something that made him extremely cautious of her.

It's like she didn't even exist in this world.

It's like she saw nothing but despair.

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