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Beca's POV

"I think we're here," I say, sliding one of the windows open, instantly hit by the warmth of the Miami sun, even if it's only February. The partition between the driver's area and the back comes down and our driver, Rafael, turns to face us. "I'll be back here within 15 minutes of your request," he says, passing me a card with a number on it. "Anyone Miss Gray is willing to send out one of her limousines for is someone our security approves of. It's a short list, you see. Any problems, just call."
"Thank you." I nod appreciatively as I step out of the limo. Glancing around, I notice we're near a long line of shops - some new, some old. Flagler Street? I think that's what it's called. I don't know, Chloe and I did a load of research a while back, when we said we'd go here with each other if we hadn't managed to find someone else to go with before the age of 35. I had presumed that meant if either of us married or fell in love or something, we'd have each other's permission to take our partner to Miami. Little did I know, Chloe was saying that purely for my benefit - I was the one she wanted to go with, but she was giving me the chance to go with someone else.

She almost put the whole world before her feelings and that's something I massively respect, but I'm so glad it was 'almost' - if she'd always put her feelings to one side for the rest of eternity, I never would've understood the situation and we probably never would've got the point we are now. So I've got to be thankful for the fact she overflowed.

"What are we doing then, Bec?" Chloe asks off to my left, still looking as good as she did this morning. I can't help but give her a lingering look before turning to the others.
"Depends what you guys wanna do. There's Miami Beach that way if you wanna explore," I say, gesturing vaguely in one direction. "Or we could eat. Or shop-"
"I love beaches," Chloe comments eagerly and instantly the decision is made. I know I haven't really consulted the others, but I guess I'm kinda in charge and besides, no one seems to be opposing the idea. I'll literally do anything to make Chloe happy. Is that a little cringe? Yes. Does that stop me? Nope. Well... evidently not.
"Let's go then."

A while later, once we've all been settled on the beach for some time, Amy suddenly stands up. I look up at her, squinting a little.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were about to tell us you need the toilet. Using one of your strange sayings, of course."
Amy gives me a wry smile.
"Wow, I'm almost becoming as predictable as you and Chloe wanting to sit next to each other all of the time," she jokes. "Maybe not that much. But did anyone need to come with me though?"
"I'll come," Aubrey replies. "We could go search for some lunch whilst we're up."
"The motherly urge is kicking in. I'm proud, Bree," Stacie murmurs with a slight smile. She turns to the 3 of us once Aubrey and Amy have walked away in the direction of some signposted toilets. "You honestly wouldn't recognise her if you saw her at my house. She's been there on and off for 4 months now. I didn't even realise she liked me that much," she says, picking up small handfuls of sand and letting it trail through her fingers. "And she likes Bella a lot too."
"I'm sure she has every reason to. I need to meet her sometime!" Chloe says, resting on her elbows.
"I guess. And yes, you really need to come to my place. All of you, actually. It would be fun. Aubrey needs diffusing sometimes." She laughs. "I'm joking, she's actually never been nicer. Apart from maybe to you, Chloe. Definitely nicer than she used to be when we joined the Bellas, Beca."
"Not that that's hard," I reply, chuckling.
"True. Did you know she's actually signed up for Doula training classes now? I think she's going to be so good, don't you think?"

I feel like Stacie's as obsessed with Aubrey as Aubrey is with her. If I'm honest, I'm surprised. It's not that either of them don't deserve it, it's just such an unlikely pairing: the stressy leader meets the party girl. Not that either of them is still like that though - Aubrey's the most upbeat, relaxed girl ever and Stacie, well, she seems to be one of the most responsible, mature ones out of all of us now. Having said that, if they make each other happy, who's to judge them by who they are or used to be? I don't think anyone really knows if it's platonic anymore, but I don't think that matters. The lines of friendships have always slightly blurred in the Bellas, that's basically a given.

"I had a thought, actually. I know it isn't for a couple of months, but I was thinking of doing something for Aubrey's birthday... and now I'm thinking I should have a surprise party at my house. Then we can all see each other again. And drunk Aubrey is funny. Do you reckon you'll all be free?"
Emily smiles and nods.
"I'm just spending this year travelling, so I haven't got any major plans. But I think I might start psych training in the autumn. 6 more years of studying though... I don't really wanna do that."
Chloe laughs.
"It'll be worth it in the end, Em. I had to study more to be able to teach, but it will turn out fine."
"In the nicest way possible..." I interject, having the urge to be realistic. "You haven't actually started yet."
"Bec, that's not helpful." Chloe looks at me with half-hearted disapproval before turning back to Emily. "Sorry, this woman's a cynic." She gestures towards me and I smile with mock innocence. "Hard work will pay off, don't worry."
"Clearly. Take a look at me," I joke.
"I'm glad to see your modesty hasn't changed in a year, Beca." Stacie laughs, causing Chloe to shake her head with a smirk. She turns to me.
"You're so big-headed. I think a more accurate example of hard work would be my efforts to stop you being so oblivious to both of our feelings."
"That deserves a medal really," Emily comments, then glances at me and stops. "Um, I think I might go and paddle. Stacie, wanna join?"
"I don't kn- Oh, sure," Stacie replies, quickly leaving us to it.

"Well, that was weird." Chloe giggles, shielding her eyes from the sun as I move closer to her. I lie down beside her.
"Legacy's a psychology student. She may be socially awkward, but she can tell when people wanna talk to each other."
"You need to talk to me?" Chloe asks in surprise. "Please, nothing bad. This holiday is too much of a once-in-a-lifetime situation to be ruined. Have I done something wrong?" She mumbles, chewing on her lip.
"No, no, no, it's okay. I just wanted to apologise for bringing rain to your positive picnic earlier. I'm sure your job will be great. Kids just aren't my thing. Or most people. You're fine, though."
"Just fine?" Chloe rolls onto her side to face me.
"Okay, so you're more like, I don't know, the best thing to ever happen to me? Not that I would tell you that." I grin as I gaze at Chloe.

"And... kiss." Amy's voice comes from behind me. Oh my God, she's the worst.

I sit up, looking over my shoulder at her and Aubrey approaching the two of us.
"Thanks Amy." I roll my eyes as she sits down beside me.
"I'll get the others," Aubrey says, putting down a couple of bags before jogging over to the shoreline. I turn to Amy.
"You'd better have a valid reason for interrupting, dude. What did you buy?"
"Something called a pastelito. Apparently it's some kind of pastry. I don't know, Aubrey bought it. I would've been fine with a burger."
"Well, it's always good to try new things," Chloe says as she sits up, her enthusiasm for almost anything coming through once again.

I swear she's the epitome of optimism. If it was anyone else, it would probably irritate me to no end, but of course it's Chloe. How could I be annoyed by that flawless, adorable smile? We're entirely different, but somehow the chalk and cheese situation seems to work for us. And that's actually pretty cool. No one's ever loved me like Chloe.


Here's a gift of another chapter from me to you 😄 I should be back to updating more regularly again soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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