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Chloe's POV

"So, I guess this is my final song, I'm pretty sure this is one you'll know. It's been played quite a lot recently, actually. A fact about this song, well, my best friend actually helped me write some of the lyrics-" Aubrey lets out a whoop and Beca chuckles. "-Yes, thanks for that, I'm guessing that was Aubrey. Anyway, my friend features in the original recording of this track, in the last chorus. If you follow me, you've probably seen her on my page quite a lot. This song means a lot to me, and she... she does too. She's here tonight, somewhere. I've been trying to look for her, but it turns out... this place is pretty fricking big. So, hey, Chloe, wherever you are. This one's for you."

Beca launches into the final song of her set, All Night. It's just as breathtaking as the first time I heard it, 4 months ago.

"She's so good, oh my God." I hear Stacie shout and I glance over to her seat along the line, but she isn't in it. Instead, she's stood right at the edge of the balcony our seats are on, with Aubrey not-so-subtly standing beside her so she 'doesn't fall'. But like, come on, I've known Beca and her 'straight' excuses. Why are so many of my friends turning out to be something other than heterosexual? Do we just flock to each other or something? It's like gaydar on a whole new level.

"Thank you, Florida! Goodnight!" Beca says as she finishes the song, her cheeks flushed as she steps back from the microphone, walking back into the darkness. Cheers erupt throughout the arena, most of all from the 5 Bellas who managed to make it. Lilly/Esther seems to have gone a bit AWOL, but I'm sure she's fine - last anyone heard she was with that DJ Dragon Nutz guy, and he seemed okay. Flo couldn't come, as she was securing a new buyer for her franchise, which Beca seemed pretty understanding of. Cynthia Rose is busy in the Air Force, so couldn't really hop over to Florida. And Jessica and Ashley weren't available either, as apparently they're buying a house together. I mean, I'm happy for them - they're doing more than I currently am in terms of sharing accommodation costs. I feel bad about that. Even if Beca is making loads of money by doing this performance.

I think Aubrey, Stacie, Fat Amy, Emily and me is a pretty good turnout though. Obviously, I wouldn't miss one of Beca's performances for anything.

Not long later, Veronica Gray performs, her set a lot longer than Beca's - not that that's surprising, considering it's her concert - but I'd rather watch Beca for longer. Veronica's good at singing and, I guess, pretty attractive, but she's got nothing on Beca. No one has, really.

As the concert progresses, my mind fills with thoughts. This place is huge; it's kinda surreal that Beca's been an opening act for someone here. And what's even more crazy is the fact her song is actually on the radio. She's becoming more famous by the day, and as much as I don't want to hold her back, I don't want to lose her.

As mean as it sounds, I kind of hope this is a one-off. At least, I hope opening for Veronica is a one-off, anyway. Veronica's reputation proceeds her - most of it rumours, but it's not like she does anything to brush those rumours off. I used to be obsessed with her, I guess she's kind of a bisexual icon (almost everyone she's worked with - regardless of gender or supposed sexuality - has become involved with her at some point or another in the months following the collab). I mean, I don't even know if Veronica has spoken to Beca at all, let alone discussed working together. But I'd like to hope if a collab was on the cards, Beca would know better than to fall for her. Especially as we're kinda supposed to be dating.

"Hey, Chloe, I think we're meant to be going back to the hotel now," Emily says, holding back from the others to wait for me.
"Yeah, yeah, just coming." I smile quickly at her and follow her towards the exit.

"So, uh, you and Beca moved in together..." Emily says, glancing at me as we walk along. I find myself laughing a little and shrug.
"Yeah, I guess. Well, she offered me a place to stay. I kinda dropped out of vet school... Arizona wasn't really offering a lot else. Obviously I was gonna accept the offer. And now... now I guess I'm settling into LA. I went and got my teaching qualifications, I have a job starting next month..." I realise I'm just waffling and trail off.
"Oh my God, that's amazing! Where is it?"
"Just a school back in LA... nothing that big, considering I'm only newly qualified."
"But still, I'm really happy for you."
"Thanks!" I smile. "I need to start paying my rent, to be honest."
"Because you're staying with Beca? I doubt it, she'd do anything for you." She falls silent as we walk out of the doors of the exit. "I want a relationship like that," she adds. "Apart from the fact I'm straight. Probably."
I laugh.
"For some reason, you seem to be in the minority there. The Barden Bellas should basically be an LGBT group now - we could rename ourselves The Barden No-Fellas?" I suggest.
Emily chuckles and shakes her head.
"Sounds great. But yeah, I hope I can find the kind of guy who looks at me the way you and Beca look at each other."

When we finally get outside, we look around for the others, who are over by the edge of the road.
"So... anyone remember what the hotel was called?" Fat Amy asks as we approach. Everyone seems to turn to Aubrey, who laughs.
"What? You all expect me to remember?" She raises an eyebrow. "Well, okay, maybe I did write it down," she adds, still laughing to herself.
"Literally why we came to you in the first place, Bree," Stacie murmurs, resting her head on Aubrey's shoulder as Aubrey calls for a couple of cabs. I don't know if they're actually dating yet, but it seems like they're basically already married. I've only been around them for half a day and already I don't think they could get any more adorable. They're almost as cute as Beca.

The taxis arrive a few minutes later and honestly they couldn't come fast enough. I really just want to get in and go to the hotel, so I can see Beca again. And obviously, also tell her how amazing her performance was. And tell her how amazing she is. And just generally appreciate her presence. Because God knows I love everything about her.

Fat Amy gets into one of the cars, followed by Stacie - who is naturally followed by Aubrey. Emily smiles at me as the taxi driver opens the doors of the other car.
"Shall we share?" she asks.
"Yeah." I nod, climbing in after her.

The other cab drives past; Fat Amy leaning out of the window.
"Haha, see you at the hotel, pitches!"

Hey everyone, welcome to See Your Face, the first sequel to Belong To Me! I have a lot of plans for this book and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I am enjoying writing it 😄

I'm going to aim to update at least once a week, but if I'm ahead enough with my chapter-writing, you may get another within the same week, I guess we'll see how it goes!
Feel free to leave a comment or vote - if you enjoy my story or have anything else to say, it would be interesting to know 😉

New chapters are on their way...

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