Chapter 3

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Zendayas POV

I looked at my phone, squinting at the brightness.


Ugh, I just cant sleep.

I got up and put on Darnell's oversized hoodie, which was even bigger on me, over my silky pyjamas.

"I'll go down to the lobby and get myself a drink at the 24 hour bar, it might pass half an hour and then I might actually sleep.


The elevator doors opened as I walked out and headed towards the bar.

"Hey, just a cold glass of milk please" I said to the bar man.

I took my drink and made my way to the end of the seating area towards the couches, heading particularly for the one in the corner.

"Hey nice to see you too" I heard a voice call from behind.

I turned around to see Zac slouching on one of the other couches.

"Oh im sorry, im in a world of my own" I laughed as I headed towards him and sat down on the same couch.

"Don't worry I'm messing with you... So... Do you always come down here for a middle of the night drink? Or am I lucky to just see you this once" he asked putting down his phone to give me all of his attention.

"I could ask you the same question" I sassed back. "I just couldn't sleep and I'd been tossing and turning for hours and then I needed to pee and then I sat on my phone and then I ju-" I sighed. "Sorry ignore me, yeah I couldn't sleep basically, ha, what brings you down here?" I asked him back.

"Same really, and then just as I was falling asleep my mom called forgetting that were 3 hours ahead asking me about that stupid news article."

I put my head down... He thinks its stupid...

"I mean can you believe it, I helped you through a crowd of people and suddenly were together. Good job they cant get any photos of us now, me with the worst bed head ever and you in just a sweater and um... some cute little silky shorts." He said making me blush a little.

"Listen Zac, if this whole article thing has kinda spooked you or whatever then its fine, I can get darnell to just bring me a sandwich tomorrow or something and then you can have a pap free lunch" I said back, keeping my head down slightly.

"Umm, no? Of course it hasn't put me off, im used to these stories, if I helped Hugh Jackman out of a car id be married to him within days, you know what the press are like, its cool Z... Oh im sorry, that just came out, or do you prefer it? Or I can just call you Zendaya or ju-"

"Z is cool, Daya, ZeZe, I get it all, honestly you can call me what you want" I replied smiling and putting down my empty glass. But I wasn't ready for sleep just yet.

We sat chatting for what felt like 5 minutes, but before we knew it it was 5am and we were due to be back at the studio for rope rehearsals at 7:30.

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