this really could be the night.

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(finn  and millie met  at a concert through sadie. finn at the time had a crush on sadie and millie had a crush on finn but he had no idea.)

finn and millie went to a coffee shop to work in some homework they had some of the same classes so they helped each other. millie and Finn hung out a lot. they would facetime all the time and hangout a lot. Finn would always ask about Sadie because millie and sadie were also best friends. one night Finn and millie were facetiming and finn had finally told millie he liked sadie. millie's heart broke. she was so sad but she is strong so eventually he got over it. she decided to keep giving finn advice on how to maybe date sadie because he really liked her. millie's feeling for finn kept getting less and less after she found out but they never went away. one night they were all together and it had seemed that throughout the whole night sadie was looking at him and millie told finn to go for it.millie had left and told finn she was letting them have their "alone time"and winked. finn decided to tell sadie because she called him super cute earlier but  sadie  says she has a crush on someone else (caleb).finn's heart was broken but luckily enough he had millie's shoulder to lay on. finn and millie went to a coffee shop together and they were studying. finn tells millie about how sadie doesn't like him but he didn't just have crush he said
"i'm speculating if i was in love mills"millie tells him that she felt really sorry and sadie was crazy for not liking a guy liking a guy like him millie then squeezed finn's hand and finn said

"thanks mills you're really sweet".millie was at home and she was with paige and finn texted her hey mills and she texted back hey finny. finn facetimes her and she got nervous and ran to her room really quickly and tried to make herself look good before she answered. millie answered and her heart was beating really fast. finn answered and he goes
"wow!". millie was confused and questioned him
"wh-what do you mean?" finn is staring at her and says "you, wow. you look gorgeous millie" millie blushes and looks at him and smiles.
"you look pretty too.. i - i mean handsome! sorry hehah." millie and finn talked all night on the phone. nosh and millie went to the movies one night and finn got jealous. so jealous that he texted millie what they were doing together. millie texted him back
"nothing we just went the movies me and noah are just best friends btw." finn facetimed millie that night. on facetime finn asked millie to go to dinner he didn't say date exactly but they both knew that's what it was.
millie was so so excited. "this is it. this might finally be the night that he kisses me. or i kiss him. this really could be the night."
she got super dressed up. finn shaved his gross six month mustache. finn bought the dinner and that night they went to the pier and watched the sunset. when the sun set and the stars came out they went to a park and watched the stars. finn started to hold millies hand and and pulled millie close. millie looked into finns eyes and said. hey you look super pretty tonight.
finn pulled her closer by the waist and kissed her. millie pulled back and then started kissing him again. millie and finn then went on to date for 6 years until finn proposed.

(i know this bad and unoriginal. but be nice cause this is my first story and s/o to @filliedubs on instagram they told me that i should post it on wattpad. so i did! thank you!)

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