Future Discussions

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Maya could honestly say, that even though the experience she had in college with the people that she met, and the things that she did were amazing, there truly was no place like home.

Her welcome back party had been going on for two hours now as Topanga had closed up the café for the day so that they could truly enjoy themselves and talk to Maya without being interrupted by customers. Maya had been enjoying going around the room to talk about her art and everything she had experienced in college. She particularly enjoyed talking to Shawn about it. They discussed their favorite arts and paintings as Shawn had taken an interest in art as well.

It was now almost eight at night and Maya had flopped down on the couch after having a rather passionate discussion with Shawn about her favorite class and the professor she had. Now that it was getting late she realized just how tried and exhausted she really was. She covered her mouth in a yawn before looking at her watch that her roommate in college had given to her as a graduation gift. She was about to call it a night, get her luggage, and bum a ride off of Riley before the couch slumped beside her making her aware that someone had just sat down beside her. She looked over and smiled as she realized that it was the one person she hadn't really had an actual conversation with that night.

"If I didnt know any better I would say that you were ignoring me." Josh teased her as he scooted closer to her and rested his hands in his lap. Maya laughed and bit her lip.

"I would be very disappointed if you didn't Because that would just make our little game no longer fun." She pouted as she stuck out her bottom lip. Josh let out a small laugh before his face became slightly serious.

"So what's next? What's Maya Hunters next step?" Josh asked her. A question that oddly enough she hadn't been asked all night. Maya bit her lip and let out a small sigh as she was thinking.

"I'm already looking at Studio apartments up in Manhattan, I've already put in a couple of offers so hopefully I'll be moving in at the end of summer. I've already sold a few of my paintings back in college giving me some considerable amount of spending money to maybe open my own art studio somewhere close by my apartment. Also in mid July, I'm traveling back to California because they are showcasing my senior project in a museum for the end of the summer auction where there is a possible chance it might be bought." Maya couldn't be happier about where her life was headed, it was everything that she had dreamed of ever since she was accepted into art school.

"Maya that's amazing." Josh told her sincerely with a smile on his face. Maya blushed.

"Thank you, Josh. How about you? How is being a Lawyer these days?" Maya asked him with an excited grin on her face. Josh's eyes seemed to brighten a little.

"It's been amazing. A lot of hard work, and a lot of sleepless nights studding cases and meeting with clients, but in the end it all pays off. Being able to help make a difference has been something that I've been passionate about since high school, and now I feel that I'm doing that. Plus, having your sister in law as a boss kind of pays off." Maya laughed at this and nodded her head.

"I bet, seems like we're both right where we belong." Maya told him as they both gazed at each other, both wondering the same thing but not daring to say it.

Someday. Was that still something they both wanted? Now that they both were officially out of school, adults who were looking to settle down in life, was someday still something they wanted to pursue?

When Maya had been accepted to college in California, all they said to each other was the simple 'someday' when she had been getting ready to leave. Neither of them wanted to sit down and talk about it in fear that the other one was going to call it off. So after Maya had left for college, they hadn't spoken about it again in the past four years. When Maya came to visit her family, her and Josh would talk, but never about someday. So they both wondered now if it was something of the past, something that they both felt the spark had gone out on, or was it a matter of time before they couldn't ignore it anymore and the built up passion and tension would soon explode.

"So." Josh cleared his throat as he noticed they both were starting to get a little anxious. "Any boyfriends I should be aware about?" He teased in his normal flirty/charming voice that Maya had become used to in her senior year of high school, all the way up till she got her acceptance letter. Maya smirked as she averted her attention to the forgotten cup that had been in her hands this entire time.

"A few dates here and there, one lasted for a semester. But nothing that ever got too serious." She admitted to him much to his enjoyment. "What about you? Anyone falling at your feet lately?" Maya teased knowing that it was almost impossible for Josh to meet a girl that didnt practically worship the ground he walked on. She also knew it was one of the most annoying things to him.

"Nobody that would stop looking at me long enough to get to know me." He said seriously. Maya scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, You're honestly telling me that in four year you couldn't find anyone to hold your hand and walk through life with?" Maya asked in an almost mocking voice causing Josh to roll his eyes but smiling.

"Trust me, if I had found someone you would have known probably before I did." Josh said rolling his eyes. Maya nodded her head.

It was true, Josh could never hang out with a girl and like her without his family knowing about it. If he had a crush on someone he never was able to keep quiet about it, she knew this because Riley had told her countless times with a frown on her face that Josh had been at dinner talking about a girl he had met. Then there was the one time she had a smirk on her face with she told Maya that he had been talking to Cory about her nonstop. So she knew that if Josh had found someone, she would have been Riley's first call.

"Well, maybe we'll both have better luck this summer." Maya said with almost a longing look. Josh let the corners of his mouth come up into a slight smile as he looked at her.

"Maybe so."


I cringed so much writing this chapter, lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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