Soft as Snow

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December 25th
Leblanc Cafe

His hand swirled around the inside of the glass with a towel, cleaning up the couple's drinks as they prepared to leave. The couple removed themselves from the stools and got their belongings. The silver-haired man grabbed his tall, punkish partner's coat and draped it around him.
"Babe, c'mon, we're gonna be late..." the punk moaned, walking over to the door.
"I'm coming, I'm coming..." the man said.
"Thanks for the food. We'll come back again sometime." he complimented, giving a warm smile as he opened up the door for his partner.
"Anytime!" Ren beamed back, giving an equally warm smile. The couple left into the cold winter night, shutting the door behind them. Ren returned to the dull task of drying their cups. He forgot how long he'd spent behind the counter today, helping Sojiro the entire time. Though, he had a reason for spending such a long time working at Leblanc today. It was Christmas, and he made some plans. Ren slipped his phone out of his pocket and booted it up. He unlocked it, and went to his text messages for a quick reminder. He tapped on Ryuji's icon and saw the last text message Ryuji sent to him.
> I'll be at Leblanc by 8! <3
This simple confirmation of plans, along with the night they were doing it on, warmed Ren's heart. Sojiro peeked over Ren's shoulder.
"Somebody's got a date?" Sojiro slyfully commented. Ren jumped back, stumbling onto the counter.
"Huh? Oh. uh, yeah..." Ren bashfully admitted. His face turned slightly pink.
"Ah, young love... Y'know when I was your age... " Sojiro reminisced. Ren rolled his eyes as Sojiro went on about his past Christmas dates.
He looked outside the window, to the left of the door, as the snow elegantly drifted down to the ground. It almost looked like diamonds cascading through the air. The snow piled up on the ground, creating lumps of white fluff on the pathways. The lights of the streetlamps bounced off of the falling snow, making individual flakes visible in the yellow beams. Ren hoped Ryuji wouldn't have too much trouble getting to Leblanc with the weather like this. He anxiously darted his eyes the clock above the door. 7:40. Still 20 minutes...? Ren thought. He didn't want to wait anymore. He wanted- no, he needed - to see his boyfriend as soon as possible. Ren's heart could barely take the anticipation. He let his elbows down on the counter, and clasped his fingers together, twiddling them in excitement.

Knock knock knock!

A visitor? Ren thought. He scratched his head as he walked over. He wasn't expecting anybody else so this confused him. He reached the door and put his hand on the doorknob, turning it and opening. Ren's eyes widened in surprise. The first thing he saw was immediately familiar to him. A boy with a purple jacket, a black shirt, jeans, and the beautiful, short, spiky blonde hair he'd come to know and love. It was Ryuji! He had the biggest smile Ren had seen on him in a long time, with a red gift bag in his hand.
"Surprise!!" Ryuji shouted, as he threw himself onto Ren, wrapping him in a tight bearhug. His muscular arms squeezed Ren.
"R-Ryuji! You're early!" Ren said, shocked, since Ryuji was usually the one to be late to anything, not early.
"Sorry, I just didn't wanna wait to see ya anymore!" Ryuji happily apologized. He hugged tighter. Ren coughed from the lack of oxygen. It felt like two pythons were wrapping around his body, ruthlessly constricting him without mercy. Ren's eyelids began to droop close. Was he going to pass out?
"Can't... breathe.." Ren weakly choked out.
"Oh shoot, s-sorry!" Ryuji panicked, setting down his boyfriend. Ren took a desperate sounding deep breath in as his feet hit the wooden floor of the cafe. He gazed at Ryuji, with a nervous look on his face. Ren smiled. Without warning, he ran towards Ryuji and embraced him. Ryuji returned the hug by wrapping his arms around him.
"Best surprise ever!" Ren giggled as he showered his boyfriend's cheek with kisses. Ryuji's face grew red with each kiss. Ren stopped his barrage of kisses, and separated himself, unwrapping his arms.
"M-merry Christmas, babe." Ryuji said, getting his train of thought back on track after the All-Out Attack of kisses.

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