Chapter - 6 "Lost Boy"

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*Luke's P.O.V*

What's up with this girl? What is she doing here? How did she find me?

What if she understands..?

She was going to our school all this time.. I'll have to be careful now.. More careful than i was before, i'll have to be one step infront of her...

The same evenning as i was going back home from school i called the boys to infrorm them about what happened..

"We'll definetly have a problem with this.." Michael said and i knew he was right... I plugged my earphone to my right ear as i was walking back home listenning to "Remembering Sunday" by All Time Low, one of my favourite songs from one of my favourite bands!

Such a romantic song.. I was secretly romantic, but i don't like showing to people these sides of my self, with this image i'm able to protect my self from others and from getting hurt... But this song... This song could just make me tear up so easily...

My mum had take me away my car as a punishment for a while now so i was moving around just by walking...

I was usualy sitting or having a walk in a park near my house at the evennings after school and just relax under the bridge next to the river that it has.. My bridge... But now with the library and all that shit i don't even know how i'll find any time for it...

Later i arrived home and it started rainning so got home quickly... My older brother Jacobe and my mother had to be home, i saw their cars parked outside. The truth is that i have a really personal relationship with my mother, we're really close and even if you can call me a "mama's boy" i won't show it to the world... This came when my parents devorced and i was never close enough with my dad, he moved anyway and i don't get to see him a lot, he's still my dad though...

My brother is 20 years old and he's going to college, so he's not at home a lot either, which lefts me and mum alone at home most of the time, he just has a different life with his friends, girls and studding...

"Hey! How was school today Luke!?" My mum asked as i tried to get in the house without being noticed...

"Boring.. As always... It's school you know, how exciting it can be anyway..!?" I replied, not a big fan of school (not even a fan actually) and definetly not a good student at all...

"Oh! And i'm also punished again by the school, so now i have to stay after school at the school library to "work" there beacause that's how it's going for kids like me so..." I said as i started walking away on an attempt not to have to give excuses again but she grabbed my shoulder and stopped me...

"What happened again Luke..?" She asked.

"Let it go mum.." I replied trying to leave again.

"If something's happenning you you're always free to talk to me baby...? Don't you?" She told me sadly looking me in the eyes and holding me by my shoulders.

I looked on the floor, this was hard...

"It's ok mum..." I told her looking at her back in her eyes, the same ones as mine, i stepped closer and gave her a bear hug while realizing that i was one and something little bit more than a half head taller than her actually...

I love her so so much, i can't do this to her... I might look like a toral jerk sometimes, but i have feelings, insecurities and weaknessies...

I spent the rest of my evenning listenning to music, doing some homework and then i played sone x-box and giutar... It was now nearly night and i was ready to fall asleep, before i even knew it i was in my bed, under my beadsheats and with my eyes shut...


I am in was in the school hallway. It's night, everywhere is dark and i can't hear or see anyone.

Suddenly i heard steps comming from behind me, heavy and slow steps, it has to be him again..., he's probably chasing me, what am i going to do? I panick. I'm starting running and he's running too, i feel like he's close but i'm not turning back to face him, i'm scared. I'm running as fast as i can, maybe i can hide in an empty classroom. What does he want from me? But i started, everything will happen the way he wants it, but why is he chasing me now again..?

I'm starting sweting as i run in the dark, and i think i'm going to fall because my body is left behind while my feet run. I fall. I try to stand up but my feet are not moving, they're too tired and heavy to move anyway... I try my best to stand up again but i just can't make it. I listen to him comming closer and i feel like everything have ended... But of course they're not.. They never do even when i want them to.. Because she always appears to save me. Her, the girl with the long black hair and the dress, my guardian angel, the one i never see her face...

But she's late now, where is she? "Believe. Always believe, even when hope doesn't even exists" she told one time and i believed her, we don't talk a lot, most of the times not actually, but when we do, she gives me hope... She's my shelter...

And of course she didn't dissapointed me. She never does anyway... She she gave me her hand and i found the power inside me to stand on my feet again, as she pulled me up again she dissapeared again, so simply... Or that's what i thought.. I saw her shadow, she guided me from hallway to hallway and from classroom to classroom until we were outside of the school, i couldn't hear him running after me anymore.. Or at least that what i thought until i stepped infront and someone grabbed my feet from the sand on the ground and started to pulling me inside to pulling me inside.. Inside of the ground... Inside of the earth...


I woke up litteraly screaming. It was still night though... I saw again the same nightmare... I thought that they have ended for a while now but no... Not so soon as it seems, and not so simlpy as i thought..

The girl with the dark hair, the white skin and the dress like a ghost's, the face i never get to see, the dark, the man that's chasing me that i seem to know in my dreams... Maybe in reality as well... I saw everything again... It was the same.. The exact same dream like the other times..

Everything was confuced now and i was too tired to think about it...

It was still night and it was dark outside, i was still wearing the clothes that i wore today at school and the cloch show 2:25 at night and when i fell asleep it was around 10:00 o'clock but i was so tired today...

I went down and cat-walked to the kitchen to get some water to drink, then i went up again and changed in my pijamas and went in bed turning from the other side this time...

I couldn't sleep, i grabbed a book that i found next to me and started reading with the hope that it will help ke to fall asleep again.. Because now it felt impossible.

A few minutes just before i shut my eyes close i remembered that from now and then i will probably have to see this annoying girl with the attitude i met in library today.. The dark clothes and the purple colour at the end of her hair... Everyday at the library.. Everyday..

But it might be a reason for it.. Everything's happenning for a reason right..?

Sooo this was the first P.O.V of Luke! There are more about to come! What do you think about this chapter and Luke's dream..? Was it big enough??? Is anyone reading this anyway..!???? :( probably not.. But pleeeaaseee!!!


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