Melancholia 2

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Melancholia 2

My theory was proved correct one day.

“Where the fuck is he?” P'Oh was breathing fire.

“He said he’ll get here by himself and not to send the car?” I made an excuse for the boy. We’ll be leaving for China tonight. It’s four in the evening but the boy wasn’t here yet. I have all his luggage packed and ready.

“Why the fuck do you even listened to him? You work for me, not him.” P'Oh cried angrily. I gave him a startled look. I’ve never been yelled at like that before. “Can you drive a SUV?” he asked calming himself down a bit, probably by seeing my expression. I nodded readily. “Here, drive to his condo and drag him here as soon as possible.” He dropped a key in my outstretched palm. “I have million things to take care of…” he grumbled, walking away. I ran out to the back parking garage.

I hesitated before knocking on his door. I’ve been here plenty of times but for some reason, I felt reluctant to disturb him that day.

I knocked thrice.

I waited few minutes but no answer. I banged harder. I didn’t want to get yelled by P’Oh again.

Few seconds passed before the door clicked opened and his sleepy disheveled self came into view.

“P’Ji, what are you doing here?” He mumbled, leaning against the door frame

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“P’Ji, what are you doing here?” He mumbled, leaning against the door frame.

“You’re late, Nong. P’Oh is mad.” I said urgently. He blinked several times before his eyes snap into awareness.

“Shit!” he pulled the door open wider. “I completely forgot we are flying to China today.” He started running around. He’s in his loose boxer shorts and nothing else. I could tell from the twisted up waist band that he just pulled it on carelessly to answer the door.

“Do you want me to press your shirt?” I asked, taking his folded iron board out from his laundry closet.

“Yes please?” He ran hurriedly inside his bedroom, probably to get a shirt.

I wasn’t prying, I assure you I really wasn’t, but it just caught my eye.

I saw a naked upper back and shoulders of a person lying face down, sleeping soundly on his bed, through the half opened doorway. I wasn’t sure who it was but I was positive it was a man. I had a glimpse of his tattooed bicep, toned honey golden shoulders and short hair before Bas appearing to throw a shirt at me and closing the door shut.

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