Life Goes On

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I hear mumbling but becomes more clearer. I try to open my eyes but cant. Why cant i ? Oh i remember Bitch ass cutie crazy vampire bit me and called me his ! I cant believe it Stupid ! Stupid ! I could've fought him off but no stupid Paul making me feel like shit and make me starve myself of blood im not venomous..At least i dont think i am i never bit a human. But my dad told me mom drunk human blood so i guess i got a taste for it. Finally after what i think is hours but only a couple minutes slowly but surely my eyes open. I wince at the bright sunlight. I look around and see no one. I look at the now empty blood bag and sigh. I pull the IV out and slowly sit up and stand. I stumble a little but catch myself. Im really hungry i could use chocolate chip pancakes right about now with over easy eggs and bacon. Yum ! I open the door and walk out into the kitchen. I start gathering the ingredients and suddenly Alice is there and im scared shitless.

Alice !! Omg u gave me a heart attack !! I just wanted to make me food but before i even get started i about had a soon death before my life even began !! I'm taking deep breaths and Alice is laughing.

"For your info Kayla i got a vision you woke up today so dont blame me for wanting to see you you've been out for 2 and a half weeks strait."

Oh i nod and shrug my shoulders i start to mix the badder when Esme walks in.

"Oh hunny let me!"

Oh okay but can i watch ive always loved to watch you cook ?

Of course i smile at her and soon my food is done and im Polite and use my manners but on the inside im a lion protecting his hunt and scarfing it down before anyone else gets a chance at it.

I finish up and help wash dishes then i face plant on the couch and watch a lakers game.

I may be broken on the inside about paul and what he said...

But Fuck it if he hates me or not

Life goes on...


Short chapter but school started and i got stuff to do but ill update whenever i possibly can..

have a great day

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