Chapter 1- Ryan and Reagan

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"Coming mom!"

And that's usually how my school mornings started. I rolled out of bed and walked to my bathroom. One of the great things about being the only girl out of 6 kids is that I get my own room with a bathroom..

I slapped on some make up after washing, then brushed my teeth followed by doing my hair, I didn't take to much trouble considering we had PE today. I put on my skinny jeans a white singlet and a hoody that was a little to big for me, I had a 'cant be bothered with today' feeling. To make matters worse I also had English and since we were doing Romeo and Juliet ( I don't see why it's the greatest love story, it's more sick, I mean they met each other, married the next day then committed suicide the next?) I purposely left my book at home.

I ran down stairs and ate some coco pops, right now I could marry the person that created these.

"Mom, Reagan's not sharing the coco pops"

"Shut up Daniel!"

I don't get, it my six year old brother is such a pig yet he is the 'cutest monkey ever', the only thing true about that statement was the monkey part.

"Reagan don't talk to your brother like that"

"Whatever" I mumbled grabbing my lunch and walking out the door.

If you haven't noticed by now I'm not the happiest person ever, ya well it's all because of what happened three years ago..

Walking down the driveway I saw Ryan (AKA betrayer) walking down too.

Well this is just great, can this day get any better?

Now I had to spend the next 15 minutes walking to school with him

He glanced at me and then walked next to me but we still kept our distance.. As I was saying, about three years, 23 days and 8 hrs ago believe it or not but Ryan and I used to be friends, best friends actually. I moved into this house when I was two and ever since then till three years ago Ryan and I were best mates. Three years ago I was 12 so if you can do the maths, were fifteen now and we were best friends for TEN WHOLE FRICKIN YEARS!! And clearly that didn't mean anything to him.

Because I have five brothers, I'm more of the sporty type. When I was twelve I was playing soccer with Ryan when some of his 'friends' came and started dissing me and questioning Ryan why he would even make contact with me, I thought Ryan would say something to them but instead he looked at me and said.."I have no frickin idea" and walked away with them. Some of you are possibly thinking that I'm over reacting but we were best friends for 10 years! Anyways..

I was lost in my thoughts when surprisingly I heard Ryan say something.

"So.. How's it going"


"Umm, alright I guess"


Well that was awkward

And then silence. When we arrived at school he looked at me, gave a weak smile and we parted ways.

Really awkward!

Walking down the halls I met Giselle. We have completely different personalities yet we have been best friends for as long as I could remember. She's a cheerleader and more of a 'preppy, party person' and I.. I'm just a 15 yr old girl in the ninth grade and loves sport yet hates parties. My mom actually though I was sick and took me to my doctor!

We had maths first period and I was okay with that because maths, even though the most boring subject ever, is the class I get the highest marks for ( but I never get straight A's just to put it out there). The bell went and I looked at my time table. Great English! (Extreme sarcasm by the way)

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