Chapter 21 : Sincere

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Today I decided to take Jisoo to a rooftop bar. I was planning on asking Jisoo to be my girlfriend. We had been exchanging calls and messages for several weeks, seeing each other after her classes, going out together. I was now sure how I felt about her, I was sure she was the right girl for me. Unlike Lisa, I don't let time drag on, you don't know what can happen tomorrow and I don't want to regret not having acted sooner. We were now at the table sipping our drinks. Jisoo was particularly beautiful tonight as if she knew I was going to ask her to make our relationship official. At first, I hesitated to try something with her, because she explained to me that she had always had relationships with guys and that she was never interested in a girl but she didn't dislike the idea either. We only live once, so why not.


"Mmmh?" she was sipping her drink.

"Let's go there." I pointed to the corner of the bar, you could have an incredible view of the city.

"Let's go!" she took my hand and pulled me upright, our hands were intertwined and I think I was blushing because I felt the heat on my cheeks. Jisoo admired the view of the city, you could see the cars, teens who had just gone out for a drink, the lights were lighting up the streets, it was serene.

"It's so beautiful!" she said looking with sparkling eyes.

"Yeah extremely beautiful." I said but I wasn't looking at the view, I was looking at the features of her face, she's so pretty. She turned her face and a mischievous smile appeared on her lips.

"Are you talking about me, Rosé?" she said seductively. Jisoos, my heart started to beat so fast and I was blushing harder than before. I tried to calm down and breathe a good one. 'Stop being a faggot and ask her for God's sake!

"Jisoo... be my girlfriend?" I said it, I finally said it. She didn't say anything, I don't know if it was a good sign but I was starting to sweat everywhere, I must have been in a disgusting state. Suddenly, she placed her arms around my neck and pushed my neck towards her, our lips touched, a wave of electricity went through my body, I felt butterflies in my stomach, I was suddenly warm.

"You're faster than I thought." 

"So that's a yes or no?"

"Stupid, of course it's yes." she pinched my chubby cheeks. When Jisoo does it, I don't mind, but when it's Lisa, I insult her and hit her. I think I'm whipped for her. I took her by the waist and kissed her again, I am already addicted to her lips.

"Let's go to my home." she whispered to my ear and winked at me. Shivers ran down my body, why I was both stressed and excited. Don't tell me we were going to do it tonight, I don't even know if I'm ready and I've never done it before. The farthest I've ever done in my life, it was groping a girl and that's it, plus I was drunk. We paid for our drinks and left the bar without delay.

We had arrived at her house, I hesitated for a few seconds to get in. She pulled me inside and forced me to move into the living room. I sat on the couch looking at the paintings on the wall, the house was perfect for one person. There was a picture of her and her parents in the middle of two paintings. I wonder where her parents are, she never really talked about it. A few moments later, she came back with a glass of water. I thanked her, had the drink and drank it in one go, yes I had been hot since earlier.

"Wow are you so thirsty?" she chuckled. Suddenly, she sat on my laps and I was so fucking shocked. I didn't know what to do and I didn't dare to move. "Is it because of me?" she smirked and traced my face with her finger. 

"Ji-Jisoo wh-what are you doing?" I stuttered, I looked like a virgin who was too excited because he was finally going to be able to fuck a girl. She kissed me gently, it was a sincere kiss, at the same time she stroked my cheeks. We stopped for a few moments to catch our breath, our foreheads were stuck together.

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