hiccups gift

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i wake up in the middle of the night becuse i herd something  

i look out my window and i see a black figure falling from the sky falling by the lake i rush out side becuase i think its jack 

"jack" i call out as i get closer  to the lake 

"jack" i say again

no one calls back i look around a tree but its not jack that has fallen.....

there lying on the ground was a big black dragon....

i take a few steps back but it looks like its in pain so i make my way slowly over to it 

it looks me in the eyes it looks warm and safe 

i make sure it hasnt got any cuts and i help it stand up it looks at me

"what happend bud" i say calmly 

it looks at its tail and its only got one tail flap 

"oh u cant fly" i say

its shakes its head

" u hungry" i say trying to lighten up the mood 

it looks happy and i got ver to the lake and look for fish 

"i will be back" i say running to get my bow and arrow 

i come back with it 

"dint be scared" i say walking over to the lake and shooting a fish

"my mate merida showed me how to do that" i say giving him the fish

i look at his mouth and he has no teeth 

"thoothless" i say and he looks st me 

"ill call u that" i say

he waggs his tail like a dog

i seee jack flying above me 

"jack" i yell at him he stops and flys down

"what u done now" he says walking up but he stopswhen he sees toothless 

"u got a dragon" he says sounding scared

"yea but he cant fly" i say showing him is tail

"hes friendly" i say as jack peets toothless 

"ok" he says 

its almost dawn

"ill go get the girl and some stuff for his tail and u stay with him" jack says flying off 


hiccups got a dragon.....

thats normal 

i tap on punzies window and she opons it 

"hey get dressed me and hic have a suppride" i say

" alright" she says 

i fly off well she gets into her robes

i go to merida and do the same 

they walk down to hthe lake and merida looks confuseed by toothless 

but punzie loves him

" are u gping to keep him" she says as she pets toothless 

"yea" hiccup says as he makes a tail flap 

" a dragon...... u have a bloody dragon" merida says 

"yea"  hiccup says

"cool with me" she says walking up to toothless

"whats his name" punzie asks me

"toothless" i say 

"nawww" she says 

punzie is so cute 

after toothless can fly again he flys around but doesnt leave us 

hiccup makes a sadel 

but he needs to use some of his clooths to do it

"ur so generouse" merida says 

we all look at eachother 

"element" we say at the same time

we smile at eachother 

"laughter and generousity" merida says sounding happy 

"finished" hiccup says putting the saddle on toothless

they fly around for a bit and merida has a go and so does punzie 

we go to class and i spend the day thinking about hiccups gift

"thats it" i shout in th middle of class 

"miss can i please talk to my friends about something important" i ask and miss smailes and says yes 

we walk out side 

"thats suttel" merida says 

"he is a dragon traier" i say

"yea" tey aggree 

"thats his gift" punzie says 

we smile at eachother and sit back down

the day is over and we go back to see toothless  but this time we bring wood and stuff to make him a shelter 

we get to work

it takes us 2 hours but finally we are done 

its very big 

loads of hay everywere and very warm 

"perfetc" hiccup says 

"toothless" he calls and toothless come running upto us 

"ur new home" hiccup says and toothless goes inside and falls fast asleep we are so tierd so do we hiccup and merida fall asleep under toothlesses wing together and and and punzie  lay on the hay and punzie is using my chest as a pillow

can it be more perfect? 

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