A plan

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The class was waiting for Susie(sorry for spelling it wrong) to see if she/he got Toriel to let them visit kris. Ever since they skip class kris was sick and didn't leave. They thought kris will be back next week, but kris has been gone for a month and it almost thanksgiving( not for us because it thanksgiving already). Susie open the door and said " WE CAN COME TODAY ". Everyone cheer and ran to kris house.(That is crazy) Susie knock on the door and Toriel open it. " You can come in I get kris for you ". Said Toriel. But when she said it she got scared.

10 minutes later

They see kris get out his room, but he is shaking very badly. His hair cover up his eyes, but it not like they ever saw his eyes. One student ask " How are you kris ". Then remember kris can't talk until " I.......ok" said kris. It was very surprising to hear kris talk. " I fact I feel.......... Dandy",said kris. When he stop they pull up their hair and everyone saw his red eyes. Then didn't notice they kris was slow taking out his knife. Lucky Susie saw his and ask " What you got there kris " . Kris stood up. " A knife " he said. Everyone scream as they was about to stab someone when Toriel grab kris and hug him. That seem to calm him down for now. Toriel brought kris to their room and came back. " It was about time we talk about Kris.

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