Soo the new guys

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Everyone was sitting down eating pie. Kris was throwing stuff at people.
Susie:" stop kr-"
Kris threw a box at Susie. While grumbling.
Kris:" skeleton trashbag "
Toriel:" KRIS "
???:" kiddo that kinda cold of you "
Toriel:" Sans hello there "
Kris:" * HISS*"
Everyone was playing a game( not Kris). And Kris is sharpen his knife glaring at sans.(I GONING TO KILL YOU LATER)

Kris was pass out on the couch. And sans though of an idea of bringing Kris to Papyrus tomorrow. ( Also so sans and Toriel can go on their date) And Kris threw his knife at the roof and it miss the narrator and was back at his hand. While everyone was screaming.

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