The Arrival of the Wolf

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This is the first fanfic I have ever written. Rose and the Doctor end up in a parallel universe where the stories of Merlin are a definite fact and not fiction. I hope you like it. You don't have to review, but I'd like to know whether this is good enough for you ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereupon. Enjoy, and as the Doctor says, Allons-y!


“All of time and space, Rose. Where do you want to go?” the Doctor said, leaning over the TARDIS console in anticipation. Every atom in his body wanted to get as far from Krop Tor as physically possible. The Doctor didn't like what the beast had said about Rose. The lost girl, so far away from home. The valiant child who will die in battle so very soon.

“Just put it on random. It's more fun that way,” she smiled with her tongue edging out between her teeth, quoting him from earlier.

“Right-o,” he said as he twisted knobs, pulled levers, and pressed buttons. “Allons-y!” The TARDIS wheezed and shook the travelers, knocking them off their feet and onto the floor laughing. The Doctor stood up, brushed off his pin-striped suit, and helped Rose to her feet. “That was odd,” he said, scratching the back of his head.

“I think you're getting worse at driving this thing,” Rose laughed and added sarcastically, “And you were so good to begin with.”

“Oi! I am a fantastic driver! I'll have you know that I can park in a space with only one extra centimeter, and I can know where we land without even leaving the TARDIS!”

“Oh, yeah?” Rose questioned with a sly grin.


“Then, where are we, Mr. Fantastic Driver?” The Doctor went to the TARDIS door and was about to open them. “Oi! You said you didn't need to leave the TARDIS.”

“Yeah, I did, didn't I? But look,” he said, opening the doors, “I'm still inside the TARDIS.” He licked his finger and held it outside. “I'd say Middle Ages.”

“But where are we, Doctor?” Rose said, challenging.

The Doctor stuck his tongue out and tasted the air. He was still inside the TARDIS. “England or what will later become England.” He frowned. “This isn't right.”

“What?” Rose laughed. “Does the air not taste as good as you wanted it to?”

“Yes! No. Maybe. I don't know, but something's not right.”

Rose rolled her eyes, “Excuses, excuses. You can just admit you're wrong for once, Doctor.”

“I'm not –.”

“You said Middle Ages, yeah? So that's all renaissance fair and knights, yeah?”

“Yep,” the doctor said, popping the 'p', and Rose ran off into the TARDIS to dress the part, leaving the Doctor to ponder his situation.

Rose was ready to delve into the massive wardrobe of the TARDIS, but the TARDIS seemed to be generous this time and had already set out an elegant blue dress for her. It was short enough, so Rose wouldn't trip over it when she walked (or more likely, run. She wore running shoes for this reason as well). It even seemed to have trans-dimensional pockets, for which she was grateful. She silently thanked the TARDIS as she slipped on the dress with ease.

“So did you figure out where we are yet?” Rose asked the Doctor who was leaning on the open TARDIS doors and staring at nothing in general.

“Yeah, we seem to be – .” He cut himself off as he noticed Rose's attire. His mouth hung slightly open, speechless.

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