Wolves Aren't Self-Reliant, That's Why They Hunt in Packs.

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Double digits ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereupon. Double chucking digits.

The Citadel in the City of Camelot

Agravaine was on edge. He hated it when Morgana decided to meet him in the citadel. It was completely possible that they could get caught. He wondered what could be so important that would make her come in person. The only news that he could give her was that someone new had arrived in the city. He had noticed that Rose had used magic, but that news wasn't important considering that she had no obvious intention to harm the young king.

Agravaine turned to see Morgana standing directly behind him. “My lady,” he said, “You startled me.” She didn't apologize.

“I need you to do something,” said Morgana. “Someone came into the house late last night.”

“Are you okay, my lady?” said Agravaine worriedly.

“I'm fine,” she said. “He harbors hatred only for Arthur.” She smiled.

“Is that what you have come to tell me?”

“I'm getting there. Be patient. He has a way to bring Arthur down, but he needs help finding his way to a tomb below the citadel. It was covered up, but once you lead Shane to below the citadel, he should be able to find the tomb with his magic.”

“You want me to lead a sorcerer through the citadel. What if we're seen?”

“You're smart enough. Talk your way out, but if you're really smart, don't get caught. I'll send Shane at noon tomorrow. Meet him in the lower quarter of the city.”

“How will I recognize him?” asked Agravaine.

“He'll recognize you,” she said. “Don't worry.” Morgana moved to return the way that she came, but she heard the steady march of the guards. “Handle them,” she said as she ran the other way.

Morgana wasn't worried about facing the guards. She could easily kill them with her magic, but if she was seen talking with Agravaine, suspicion would be cast on him. She would lose her best spy if that happened, so she wouldn't allow it to happen. She walked quickly and cautiously. She made sure no one saw her, and she looked down each hall before she passed it.

Morgana froze as she looked down one of the halls. It couldn't be a coincidence, could it? The flash of blonde hair was gone before Morgana could see the person clearly, but something made Morgana chase after the figure. As she turned the corner, the woman was halfway down the hallway. Morgana wondered if the woman was who she thought she was. She decided to take a chance.

Rose could not sleep. She had found out a long time ago that she couldn't sleep anywhere unless she was in the TARDIS. The TARDIS's sounds had always soothed her into sleep, and she couldn't sleep without its melody. After spending a lot of time staring at the ceiling, Rose decided that a walk might exhaust her enough to sleep. She put on her shoes and stepped into the hallway.

Torches lit the halls every so often, and Rose found the place slightly eerie. The fires cast shadows, and Rose kept thinking that she saw something. Occasionally, she would run into some guards. She would smile and say hello, and they would warn her to stay safe and continue on their rounds.

Rose eventually found herself in the courtyard with a clear view of the night sky. She leaned on one of the columns and sat down, looking up at the stars. Rose wondered how similar these stars were to the ones from her universe. She wondered if the Doctor would be able to identify this universe's stars and planets as easily as he did in their universe. Could he point at one spot in the sky, point his finger somewhere else, and say that they'd go there? Would this universe be filled with as much danger as her and the Doctor's universe? How long would it be before she could actually return to her universe? She missed her mum. She would never tell the Doctor that, but besides the Doctor, the only person she had was her mum. Rose was often worried that aliens might attack while she and the Doctor were saving other planets and getting themselves into trouble, so she made him take her home often. She knew that the Doctor thought it was too domestic, but it made her love him even more because he let her do it anyway.

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