Chap. 17- Protect This Castle!

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Mitch's paws were flying over the grass, Phantom far behind. Jumping up onto the branches, he scurried into the castle, yowling. "WE'RE GOING TO BE ATTACKED!" Everybody froze, going to the entrance to the backyard. Brice sent up a microphone so Ghost and the others up at the towers can hear, Quentin lighting Ia candle so Ian can hear.

"What do you mean...?" Jerome nervously stepped over to Mitch, the cat shuddering.

"The soldiers. Guards. Rebecca Alima. They want to kill Ty so Seto can be "freed" from his relationship with him! Issac, we have to get through Ty that we need him!" Issac shook his head.

"Ever since Seto left he just stays in his room all day..."

"We need him more than ever! He needs to fight-"

"Not necessarily." Ghost's voice echoed in, Brice holding the microphone. "We got the upper hand."

"They got a whole mob out there!"

"So? They don't know the terrain. Think of this. We lived here for centuries. They only get a few minutes of seeing. We know the pathways, the secrets of the walls. They don't."

"So what you're saying is..."

"Surprise. We got the element of surprise. They might be soldiers and guards, but we are immortal till the equinox comes. Listen up." Crowding around the phone, Ghost cracked his knuckles. "We're going to protect this castle and Master Ty till Seto comes back. I want all of you to listen closely..."


"Eris, can you keep up?" Eris nodded, Rein holding him close. Seto slowed Phantom down, Eris staring into space. His breathing was slow.

"... Eris, would you like your medication?" Nodding, Seto went down to a nearby waterfall, checking it over. Fresh. "Rein, come over here with Eris." Popping open the bottle, Seto took two pills out, Rein coming over with Eris.

"You alright?"

"I-I'm okay." Setting him down, Eris coughed, Seto placing the two pills into his hand.

"Take these and drink from the waterfall or river." Eris did so, Seto carefully carrying him back.

"... Fever. Stayed in the cold and the hot, maybe got a few scratches and were infected." Seto put Eris back onto Phantom, Rein holding him close.

"Look after Eris. Bash will know what to do." Phantom broke out into a run, Rein holding Eris tightly as Seto navigated to the castle.

Ty, I'm coming.


"Would you look at this." Rebecca smiled, taking the enchanted blade from her belt. "The prince's castle." The moon slowly rose. "Autumnal equinox."

"This day was perfect. The magic will be weak." The hooded man smirked. Opening the large oak doors, the inside was completely dark. The soldiers milled around, looking for any movements.

"SURPRISE!" The chandelier lights lit up in flames, a giant eagle and hawk swooping down with deadly razor-sharp claws outstretched. Bash and Bodil smirked, flying down and picking off the first line.

"Brice! Ghost! All yours buddy!" The men that got through the chaos were greeted with a bloody spirit riding a black and yellow blood-stained teeth giant wolf.

"Looking for something, gentlemen?" Brice licked his teeth, roaring and baring down on them, Ghost fighting those that dared to engage in swordfight.

Now some fled, some stayed. Trying to sneak to the kitchen, they were greeted with Quentin washing the dishes quietly. They smirked, raising their swords. Easy picking.

"Now, now... Might want to reconsider that." The men gasped as the cabinets flung open, knives and forks along with blades pointed at them. Turning around, they were greeted with a very, very angry Ian. Made from flames and blocking the exit.

"Who dared to mess with my mudkip?" Quentin turned into a mukip, his cute face smiling devilishly.

"Them." Pushing them all towards Ian with watergun, the sink pipe burst, overflowing water to shove them further to Ian. They screamed in horror, Ian grinning and readying fireballs. Quentin stopped, the men scurrying away faster than mice chased by a cat.

"Wonderous work, dear." Quentin smiled.

"You too."

Those who were brave enough to go to the ballroom and to the West Wing, were meeted with a bunny. Mat twitched his ears, nose pink.

"Awww, look at tha-"

"RAAAAAAAAIIIIG!" An enderdragon scaled down, Mat laughing. Issac snarled.

"T-T-The dragon prince!" Mistaking Issac for Ty, they charged in fear, Mat growling and jumping onto one of them, kicking them in the face with his legs. Issac threw and lunged at anybody who tried to enter the West Wing.

Jerome and Mitch, were not a dog and a cat. Jerome prowled the tunnels, as a big, bloodthirsty Bacca. Mitch hissed and screeched, appearing as not a cat, but as a red and black tiger ready to rip them to shreds. Those who met the two in the same room fled as Mitch chased after them.

The men tried the wine cellar, finding a golden glow. Thinking the angels had heard their pleas, their hopes were quickly diminished when they saw the fairy riding on top of a Wither.

"Get a little taste, suckas!" Sky laughed, riding on top of Jason's heads. Jason spewed wither heads, the men fleeing the cellar and out the door.

Allysea and Dawn were looked pleadingly upon, thinking they were the angels to help achieve them to victory. But the smirk on their faces proved otherwise. Allysea swept them off their feet with whirlwinds, Dawn snaking vines and roots to them so they couldn't escape. Course, they also loved throwing things at them.

Rebecca snarled, surveying the situation in front of her. These men were weak. That was why they needed a strong woman, like her. In the chaos, she crept around the ballroom, slipping past Issac and Mat.

Seto is mine, prince.


"PHANTOM, LET'S GO GO GO!" Seto snapped at the reins, hearing the loud commotion. Jumping over the fence, Phantom stopped at the stables, Seto looking around. He spotted Brice's sword, golden.

Take this when you get back. Get to Ty as fast as possible, he's broken without you!  Rein and Eris, call for Allysea and Dawn. They'll take them to the Ivory Room. Good luck, Seto.


"Well? Eris's getting sicker by the minute!" Seto grabbed the sword, taking a hammer and smashing it against the bell. Allysea and Dawn were there in seconds.

"Allysea, Dawn. I need Bash to take care of my little brother, and I need you two to take care of them." Allysea nodded, reaching out for Eris. Rein stepped back, looking over to Seto. "You can trust them, Rein."

"We'll get Bash out of the battlefield if we can; let's go. We gotta move." Allysea carried Eris, Dawn pulling Rein along.

"Seto!" Looking over, Rein smiled softly. "Go save your prince." Grinning, Seto pressed a brick in the wall, jumping down the tunnels and running. He took a left, crossing his fingers he was going to make it in time.


"I-I thought we needed to kill him to free Seto!"

"You ruined everything!" Seto widened his eyes.

Was he already too late?

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