Chapter 1: Argent Cloak

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You are the same age as Eren. The way you look is up to you, but you are half an inch shorter than Eren at all times. You possess similar qualities to Mikasa or Levi's 'electric snap' or whatever they call it. You've already had your snap though.  

Most typical x-Reader abbreviations are used here. There's also (T/N), technique name, as you have your own special technique where you sometimes can wield your blades like a pair of scissors. It's good for making deep cuts without employing too much arm strength.

This was not what Eren expected of his first expedition. He expected a long day of killing Titans and retaking the land outside the walls. What he did not expect was a rampaging abnormal tailing him and the rest of Levi Squad at lightning speed.

Levi did not seem to have a plan. Eren could see from the fear in Levi Squad's eyes that this was not something that happened normally. All Levi had for them to do was to keep riding forward, in a straight line. Panicked, the boy considered transforming then and there to save everyone. But Levi Squad bombarded him with requests that they trust them to be able to win the day. Levi himself certainly did not help either.

"Make the decision, Jaeger! Do you trust in your squad, or do you trust in yourself?" yelled the Captain. 

Petra begged him to trust the squad, and Eren was unable to refuse their offer. He decided not to transform, and they kept riding. This turned out to be a fantastic idea, as they had lured the titan, the Female Titan they soon called it, into a trap.

"Keep going ahead. Eld, you're in charge." Levi said. The group acknowledged his orders, and he broke off from the squad to deal with the now immobile Female Titan.


(Y/N) watched from a distance. He didn't trust this trap whatsoever. Any moment now, and that beast could break out of it. 

Suddenly, it began screaming. He covered his ears until it stopped, and there was a moment of silence.

So it did. Titans were coming from seemingly every direction. (Y/N) was ready, and quickly lept off of the tree branch they stood on, and fell for a while. In an instant, he stopped his fall with gas. Hooks came out of his gear, and he became a blur of speed.

To avoid the horde of Titans now plaguing the forest, Levi Squad, minus Levi, was now flying with their ODM gear.

"I can't believe it would let itself be eaten, just to hide the evidence!" Petra complained. She didn't get a response, however, as her comrades were a tad shaken. Eren, however, was lost in thought for a moment after that.

This was cut short as a cloaked figure was also flying close to them.

"Is that Captain Levi?" Gunther asked.

"Captain!" Petra called out.

"...That's not Levi!" Eld suddenly warned.

The figure cut across the front of the flying Levi Squad. Blades swung towards Gunther, and his life flashed before his eyes. He saw locks of blonde hair flow out of the hood, and milky white skin, and then darkness as he shut his eyes before the impact.

"GUNTHER!" Petra cried out.

Instead of blade searing his flesh, he felt something hard hit him, though it didn't hurt much. He opened his eyes to see a figure in a tattered, light grey cloak holding him by the waist. Whoever this was, had saved him.

"Huh?" was all he could muster. The figure quickly let go of him, and Gunther returned to ODM flight. 

"Come back here, you bastard!" Eren screamed. The attacker, panicked, began to flee, and Levi Squad began to pursue them. The white cloaked figure joined them, and pulled their hood back. Petra noted that they were rather handsome for a moment but quickly snapped out of it. There were more important things to deal with.

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