Chapter 1

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Written by me


The last bell of the day rang throughout the large school, signalling the end of the day and one day closer to getting freed from Hell and then thrown into the real world with no real knowledge or skill. Sage had been sitting in College Prep Science for the past 45 minutes, not paying attention or even really caring for that matter.

She pushed her round glasses up her nose as a smile spread across her face. She gathered all of her books up and tossed them into her bag, not caring enough to place them in neatly. She waved as her classmates passed her, all of them having to look down to actually meet her eyes due to her height but she didn't really seem to notice. 

Sage let out a sigh and walked out of the door as her teacher yelled out a homework assignment and she briefly replayed it in her head. It's not like she was going to do it but her half-brother, Glacier, would. He always did her homework as he was known as one of the smartest people in the world.

It could be nice at times, like when he offered to do her homework or a huge project but at other times it was so terrible...constantly getting recognized and talked to...

Sage let her gaze flick up to the upcoming stairway that would lead to the huge lobby and where her and several of her closest friends met everyday. She picked up speed until she was in a full run and jumped on onto the railing, sliding all the way down to the bottom. 

She landed with a thump, her large, black combat boots causing the ground to shake slightly under her. She pulled her phone out of her backpack, checking messages and social medias like any normal 17 year-old.

"Hey," a voice said out of no where. Sage jumped slightly, her eyes wide but she calmed down as she met the eyes of Vince, one of her close friends. "Hey there," she said simply, putting her phone away.

Vince flashed Sage a grin and leaned on the wall. "So, how was your day?" he asked, eyeing Sage. She rolled her eyes, sighing. "My neck is going to snap if I have to look up at one more person," she complained. It wasn't a big deal when she was with Vince because he was around the same height as Sage.

Vince rolled his eyes back at Sage as she looked up and saw Glacier walk into the lobby. She grabbed Vince's arm and pulled him over to Glacier, or G, depending on how close you were to him. 

Sage gave Glacier a huge smile, batting her large, green eyes. "Science homework. And quiet a bit of it," she said simply. Vince pulled away from Sage and simply asked, "How's is goin', G?" 

Sage tuned the two males out as she glanced around the large lobby. Several students scattered the area, all wearing matching red and gold uniforms, females wearing skirts and males in dress pants. 

The special thing about this specific school was the fact that rich, snobby  parents from all around the country sent their dear children to the school to learn about whatever their heart desired but it was very important all of the kids ended up going to some fancy, overpriced college. Sage and her friends all stayed with Glacier and his boyfriend, Gage. 

Sage finally came to as Wilson, yet another in their close group of friends, came up to the small group. Sage could just look at Wilson and tell something was wrong...From an outside view, he looked fine but Sage could read all of her friends like a book. 

She grabbed Wilson's arm, pulling him away. "Hey, what's wrong? You look like your dog just died." Wilson pulled away from Sage, looking away. "I'm fine," he muttered. 

Sage rolled her eyes and grabbed Wilson's face, pulling him down to meet her eyes. "Bitch, fuck you. Don't lie to me. Do I need to beat a whore for you?" Wilson pulled away with sigh. " you remember Ava?" he asked quietly.

Of course she remembered Ava. Ava was Wilson's picture perfect girlfriend with perfect lips, perfect blonde hair that was always in a perfect ponytail and she was just overall...perfect. Sage envied her, but what could she do? She was the weird, childish friend. Her small features, french, black bob and freckles just gave her the look of a child and her height didn't help.  The only thing that set her apart from a 4th grader was her septum ring that she was constantly changing as she got bored easily. 

"Don't be stupid, of course I remember that whore of a girlfriend," Sage said with a huff. "What did she do?"

Wilson hesitated before he began to speak again. "She-...She broke up with me..." Sage was furious now. Wilson never deserved to be hurt. He was so smart and his looks just added to that.

"NO-....She didn't! I'M GOING TO STAB THAT TWAT!" Sage said loudly in an outburst. Some students around them looked over and she gave them a sheepish smile before turning back to Wilson. "Where is she?"

Wilson grabbed Sage's wrist, his eyes incredibly wide. "Sage, no. She wanted to end things and that was her decision..."

Sage let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "No, no, no, this is happening. I've been wanting to beat someone's ass and now is a perfect time." She pulled her wrist out of Wilson's grasp, already working her way up the stairs. Wilson's locker was up there and she figured that was were it had happened.

Wilson rushed after Sage, grabbing her wrist again. "Sage, no! Calm down, I'm not even bothered." Now, you can probably tell by now that Sage wasn't smart, but she also wasn't stupid. She could tell Wilson was lying.

His glasses had slipped down his nose when he had caught her wrist but he didn't fix them. "Don't lie. This is for both of us," she said simply as she pulled away again, rushing up the stairs. She caught sight of Ava, her blood boiling.

Wilson came up behind Sage and locked her against his chest. He had to bend down to do so but neither of them seemed to notice. "Sage. Stop," he begged, his voice quivering when he caught sight of Ava. He pulled her around the corner, finally letting her go but he still held onto her wrist.

A ding manifested from Wilson's pocket, coming from his phone. He pulled it out, reading something. Sage let her arm go limp and Wilson loosened his grip on her, giving her just enough leeway to snatch her arm back and grab his phone.

She read the text he had just received. It was from Ava. She was honestly surprised she hadn't blocked Wilson yet...

Sending a short-ass after me? Immature.

Sage rolled her eyes and shoved Wilson's phone into his chest, walking around the corner again. Wilson lunged after her but it was too late; Sage was already halfway down the hallway.

She reached Ava and grabbed a handful of her perfect blonde hair, yanking her head back roughly. Ava let out a squeak and Sage raised her fist, smashing it into Ava's nose. A crack bounced off the almost empty halls but Sage didn't seem to notice.

Ava screamed out, Sage yanking her hair again until Ava was laying on the ground. She began to kick Ava in the ribs repeatedly, not even caring about the repercussions or the few people that ran.

Ava curled into a ball as one of her boy-toys grabbed Sage and threw her to the ground. Sage put her head on the ground, letting out a small laugh as she stared at the ceiling. "What the fuck, Sage!" The male yelled at her. Sage got up slowly after a moment, glaring at Ava. "Fucking whore," Sage hissed at the blundering ball of perfect that Sage envied so much.

She spat in the direction of Ava and then turned around, walking away calmly. She made eye contact with Wilson as she walked past.

"Come on, slow-poke."

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