Chapter 1 (Ava POV)

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Written by me

So I was told that an extra chapter from Ava's POV would be cool and I agree so here we are. It won't be very long but like I said, extra.

Ava got up as the bell rang, having already planning on breaking up with Wilson. She was just trying to figure things out...She wasn't in the best place mentally and she wanted to get her own emotions sorted out.

She put her books in her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. Ava walked down the hallway toward Wilson's locker. She was dreading this

She caught sight of Wilson and fixed her red and gold accented blazer that everyone was required to wear, smoothing it out.

Wilson looked up just as she made it to him. "Hey," he said happily, his eyes sparkling a bit as he looked at her. He went to kiss her on the cheek but he held a hand out, shaking her head.

"Hey. Umm...I actually don't think things are going to work out between us," she confessed, trying not to think about the fact that his eyes welled up with tears and how his jaw set in place, forcing his tears back.

Fuck, what did I do? This was so stupid...Why do I have to be a mess inside? Why can't I just confine in him and be fine...?

"It's not you, it's me..." she said, probably not making anything better. She turned around and walked away, leaving Wilson alone. She couldn't bear standing there any longer...It was crushing her on the inside.

She walked over to a group of some of her friends, mostly males. She joined the conversation with ease, her mind racing but she was just covering her emotions with a smile and a laugh here and there.

After a few moments, she looked over to see that Wilson had disappeared.

Thank God...

It wasn't long before she heard some raucous. She looked up to see Sage, Wilson's good friend, glaring at her.

Oh my God, he didn't...

She pulled her phone out, pulling her and Wilson's conversation. The worst part of this whole situation was the last thing he had texted her was 'I love you.' Ava stifled the beginning of a sob, just typing.

If you are a bitch, maybe it will be better...?

She sent the text as Sage was pulled around the corner by Wilson. She turned back to the group, forcing a smile.

She was taken by surprise when she felt her hair get yanked. She caught sight of Sage, looking completely and utterly furious. Ava yelped, not expecting to be getting her ass beat by the girl she envied more than anyone else.

Sage in her eyes was just perfect. Her black hair was always curled just perfectly and her always maroon lips were perfect, her freckles were adorable...even her relationship with Wilson was perfect.

They were always together and it was so easy for them to joke around when Ava found it incredibly hard to make it seem like their relationship was forced.

She wished she had a best friend as great as Sage...Sage was beating the shit out of her now because she cared for Wilson so much.

Ava felt a spike of pain explode from her nose as Sage pounded her fist into it. She screamed out as she was pulled to the ground and kicked repeatedly.

She curled up into a ball, wanting to die even more than she already did.

I deserve this....I'm a terrible person that doesn't deserve to be happy...or even live for that matter.

Ava covered her head when she heard yelling. She watched as blood splattered the ground, coming from her nose.

She broke my nose....

Ava was helped up by one of the girls, rushing her away and towards the infirmary.

I don't deserve to live...

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