thirty eight.

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Light filtered in through my closed lids as if they were made of paper and I scrunched my face up and buried myself further into my bed. Had I not closed my curtains? Why was there so much light, had I overslept?

Oh fuck.

I shot up, my head thumping as I tried to wake myself, I was in deep shit if I had overslept. My eyes focused in on the room and realisation slowly dawned on me.

This was not my bedroom.

I looked around warily, the cream walls were not my walls and as I looked down at myself I became aware I was not wrapped up in my bedding. Work slipped from my mind as I let myself flop back down; a cry startling me before I realised I'd made the noise.

I raised a hand and gingerly pressed the back of my head only to wince as I felt a raised lump on the back of my skull and everything came rushing back to me at once.

Tommy. Tommy and I fighting. Being in the hospital. Harry.


I was at Harry's. 

I groaned as I tried to work out how I'd got to Harry's or how Harry got to me and why I was here. Bits and pieces were clear but the majority was fuzzy but all I could do was push myself back up and leave the incredibly warm bed.

My head was thumping and it felt like every single bone ached as I moved slowly towards the open door, definitely wasn't my room considering the floorboards were warm.

I slowly moved down the hallway unsure if I was heading in the right direction until I came upon the stairs, Harry still nowhere to be seen. Taking the stairs one step at a time I panicked as I caught the clock on the wall and my heart thudded.


I was really fucking late for work.

I hovered momentarily in what I assumed was Harry's lounge as I wondered where he was before sounds of clinking reached me and I wandered blindly into a very bright and very large kitchen.

"Harry?" I called my voice barely above a whisper as I spotted his tall figure, back facing me. I watched as he spun eyes widening as he took me in before he licked his lips and forced a smile on his face.

Even from where I was standing I could see it didn't reach his eyes. Why did I cause so many problems?

"You're awake, how you do feel?" Harry asked glancing behind him for a moment before returning his gaze to me. I didn't like how he was watching me, like I was a wild animal on the opposite side of kitchen.

"Like I've been hit by a train." I admitted, "I need to get some paracetamol and I need to leave, where are my shoes?"

It felt like my brain thudded as I spoke and I quickly realised too many words made it hurt.

"I have some here for you and your antibiotics." Harry approached me with a glass of water and a hand with two pills and I stared at them warily. Why was he giving me antibiotics?

"To make sure your burn and head wound don't get infected." Harry explained as if he'd heard my thoughts and I looked up at him before nodding slowly, groaning as it made my head hurt even more.

I swallowed both pills down and eagerly finished the glass of water making Harry huff out a breathy laugh which brought a faint smile to my face.

"I need to go home. I am very late for work." I repeated myself, jumping as Harry laughed louder this time. Almost harshly.

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