forty five.

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"It's Paul's birthday on the thirteenth, maybe I should get him something."

I glanced over at Harry just in time to see him rubbing his jaw. We'd only been shopping for forty five minutes but right now was the first time he'd let go of me since we'd left his car.

"Does he like candles?" I asked smiling wryly as Harry glanced at me and narrowed his eyes.

It was comfortable again and I liked it; although I knew it was going to be hard explaining how I felt and thought to Harry. Considering I practically gave myself whiplash with all my thoughts, I had no idea how he'd handle it.

"Alright then, what should I get him Miss gift giver extraordinaire?" Harry clicked his tongue at me and I shrugged, trying hard to not roll my eyes at the stupid nickname.

"I don't know him." I laughed, "How about a gift card? Or something practical?"

"I was just going to get him a card." Harry shrugged just as I finally decided on the candle for Sarah and grabbed it off the shelf easily.

"Harry!" I gasped in disappointment watching as his head turned towards me so fast it looked like whiplash.

"What? Are you okay?" Harry rushed out grabbing my face in his hands and I felt my entire body flush. How embarrassing.

"Yes I'm fine, all I meant was you can't just get him a card." I clarified, raising my eyebrows at the fact Harry was still holding my cheeks.

"Oh." Harry muttered as he let go of my face and I laughed slightly before making my way towards the check out.

"What else are you getting her?" Harry asked once we were back out in the main shopping centre and I licked my lips are my eyes moved around the brightly lit complex before looking back up at him.

"This, a photo of all of us and a gift card." I said, "We've already got the rest of it."

"A photo?"

I nodded at Harry's question and opened my mouth to answer when I was overtaken by a strange feeling in my gut making the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I shivered as I glanced around the shopping centre.

It was hard to explain but I felt like I had eyes on me, and not in the way Harry looks at me. I glanced up at him to find his eyes darting about above my head and I swallowed thickly and looked around once more only to find it full of usual shoppers.

Nothing suspicious.

"Me, Tessa, Kate and Rhiannon. We took it just before Christmas." I finally explained once I'd assured myself I wasn't being watched.

"Cute." Harry hummed before slipping his hand through mine causing me to peer up at him curiously only to have him send me a lopsided grin. "Need to take a leak."

I crinkled my nose at his statement making Harry laugh as we followed the signs hanging overhead towards the bathrooms for Harry and I pulled my hand out of his once we'd reached our destination.

The horrible feeling in my gut hadn't left and I would have much preferred if Harry didn't have to leave me but I couldn't stop nature calling.

"I'll be right back Sunshine." Harry told me as he pressed his lips to the top of my head, jerking me out of my paranoia and instead causing me to blush at his actions and I nodded. He almost treated me like a child.

I took a seat on one of the uncomfortable benches as I waited, my eyes darting around the shops closest to me as I swallowed thickly and hoped Harry wasn't going to be long.

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