Lily runs away part 3

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Lily looked around as she kept walking deeper into the forest. She stepped out of the trees to see a giant waterfall in front of her. Lily's eyes light up at the site of it. "Wow" she said as she set down her backpack on a nearby rock.  She walked over to the waterfall and looked at her reflection. "What am I doing they're probably worried sick about me" she said to her reflection. "No they probably don't even realize that I'm gone. It's not like they would care. There are still seven other kids still living in that house, and in a few months when Luna moves out there will still be six" she said to herself. "I'm not wanted by them and that's fine by me" she said bravely. Then tears ran down her face and she started crying.

Lily got up and walked to her backpack. She grabbed a granola bar out and took a bite. She let out a sigh as she thought. "I miss everyone" she said to no one. Then there was the sound of a stick breaking behind her. Lily swung around as fast as possible to see a wolf standing there. She didn't move as it just stared at her. Then it growled and walked slowly towards her. Lily backed up slowly as the wolf got closer. It backed her up to the edge of the water. Lily looked at the wolf again as it kept getting closer to her. She finally turned back to the water and walked in. She walked out until it reached her waist. The current was pretty strong but she kept her balance as she turned around. The wolf had stopped at the bank. It growled and walked away. Lily sighed and stayed standing there for a second until she heard a twig snap. She looked but no one was there. "Who's there" shouted Lily. "Lily" cried a voice she knew all to well. "Lincoln" Lily shouted back. Lincoln walked out of the trees and looked around before his eyes settled on Lily who was still in the river. "Lily, what are you doing out here? We have all been worried sick? And what are you doing in the water?" asked Lincoln. "There was a wolf so I climbed into the water" replied Lily. "Well come out, I have something to show you" said Lincoln. Lily nodded and started walking towards Lincoln, until she lost her balance and fell into the water. The current picked her like she was nothing and started pulling her down the river. Lily could hear Lincoln scream for her as she tried to keep her head above the water as it kept getting deeper. Lincoln ran along the side of the river as Lily kept floating further down stream. Then Lincoln heard the last thing he wanted to hear. He could hear a waterfall in the distance. He looked up from Lily, as he kept running, to see a giant waterfall right up ahead. Lincoln ran with all his might to get ahead of Lily. He came to the edge of the waterfall and looked to see Lily getting closer. Lincoln quickly grabbed a vine and tied it to a tree. Then he waited for Lily to come close to him. When she was right in front of him he jumped into the water and grabbed her as they fell off the waterfall. They got stopped by the vine as they dangled over the edge. Lincoln looked down at Lily who had passed out at this point.

Lincoln lay Lily down on the ground and sat next to her. He checked her pulse and was relieved when she was still breathing. He sat there and waited for her to wake up. Lily finally opened her eyes and coughed up a bit of water. Lincoln hugged her as she was still trying to remember what happened. Then after a minute it processed through her mind and she hugged Lincoln back. "Lily don't you ever run away again, got it" said Lincoln releasing the hug. "But I thought you guys didn't want me around anymore" said Lily looking down. "Of course we want you around, even Lola. She tried to apologise to you this morning but you weren't there" said Lincoln looking at his little sister. Lily looked up at him and a few tears streamed down her face. "Okay, let's go home" said Lily. She hugged Lincoln one more time before they grabbed Lily's bag and headed home.

The End

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