Akashi Seijuurou x Reader

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It was just past lunchtime and you were playing shogi against your tablet. Your husband, the owner of the famous Akashi Company, was inside the gym shooting hoops so you had the next few hours to yourself, and you had decided to polish your shogi skills while you could. Maybe then you could eventually beat Seijuurou… That was thought. Like it’d ever happen.

You sighed, and stared at the screen in front of you, trying to plan out your next move when suddenly you felt something brush against your right cheek. Blinking, you looked in that direction in confusion. You should be the only person in the room, so what was that?

A quick look around confirmed that you were alone so you simply shrugged off the feeling as a draft that you’d have to have Seijuurou look into later and went back to your game.

Just as you made your next move you felt something brush against your other cheek and hurriedly looked to the left. Once again, you were alone in the room.

Feeling paranoid, you went back to plan another move, but this time you were tense and nervous, looking around once more before returning to your game. Before you could figure out what the tablet had moved, there was a tap on your shoulder and you spun around in a panic, only to be kissed full on the lips.

Eyes open, you looked at the other person in alarm, whose own gold and red eyes stared calmly back at you as their lips pulled off yours.


“Shh,” He placed a finger on your lips, effectively quieting you down. “Why so panicky, (Name)? You should know my orders are absolute, so nothing can possibly happen to you. Unless.” A lecherous grin made its way onto his face as he paused. “Of course, I decided to do something to you.”

Blushing red at the obvious implication, you buried your face in your head, both to hide your embarrassment and muffle your groan.

Seijuurou! Don’t sneak up on me like that…”

A/N: Here’s your Akashi x Reader that you requested, AbbieVanity~! I hope you like it! I stumbled across this prompt and the Akashi x Reader you asked for was the first thing that came to mind.

Imagine person B of your OTP doing one of their hobbies. They suddenly feel a kiss on the cheek, but when they turn around they don’t see anyone there. After they go back to their hobby, they feel another kiss on their other cheek and frantically turn the other way. Feeling strange, they go back to doing what they were doing with their guard up, only to feel a tap on the shoulder afterwards. They turn around to see Person A, smiling and waving at them and giving them a kiss on the lips or cheek.

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