Dragon girl. (Dipper x Reader)

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You were twelve one more week until you were 13 you will finally get wings after all it was nearly your B-day. you were half Dragon and half human so you grew wings 13. your mum had died when you were ten but just this year your dad had died as well. You were now going to Gravity falls to live with Dipper and Mabel there mum and dad had agreed and had convinced Stan Pines to look after you until they came home for winter.

Chapter 1

welcome to Gravity falls

It was a dark night you were twelve now it was one more week until you were 13 you will finally get wings after all it was nearly your B-day you could hardly wait. you were half Dragon and half human so you grew wings as a symbol of being Dragon and you were humanoid you show human at the age of 13 you could choose where to be a lizard breath or human with wings. your mum had choose to be human to live with your dad. If you turn into a dragon you can not fall in love with a human that would be wrong and forbidden. She had died when you were ten but just this year your dad had committed suicide. You were now going to Gravity falls what no one on this bus knew you were going to stay with your old kindy friends Dipper and Mabel one problem being you always  forget their names being away from each other for so long so for all you knew their names where Rex and Anna. There mum and dad had agreed and had convinced Stan Pines to look after you until they came home for winter. Everyone on the bus assumed you were an orphan and took you in. Right now everyone was asleep but you the kid next to you suddenly yelled.

“(y/n) hit me” the teacher came and told you off, he was lying but no one liked you not even the teachers.

“Next stop Gravity falls” the bus keeper said as it pulled into a sleepy town you looked down as it reminded you of your old home with mum and dad. You took out the only photo you had of your parents and you as you started to cry the bus stopped. You got off and looked around before running away. Everyone tried to stop you but it was too late being the first one off the bus. As you got deep into the forest something felt odd. You turned your (e/c) eyes to a near by bush as a wolf like thing jumped out it took one look at you and growled as it ran jumping over you. After a few minutes a girl came running up to you gasping for breath.

“Did *gasp* you see *gasp* a were-wolf *gasp* pass by?” she asked with a fake smile before collapsing you looked at her as you started to panic. But soon you heard a light snoring come from her she was alright. After a few seconds a boy came from the bush wearing an eyepatch and a really bad haircut it almost looked like it had been set on fire he looked tied.

“Mabel we are not going to find it tonight lets just call quits before...huh? ooh too late” he said looking at Mabel on the ground asleep. Yawning he looked at you before saying.

“hey my name is Dipper this is *yawn* Mabel what's your name?” he said looking very tired. You took one look at him he probably stayed up for 3-5 days teid or he was very drunk but the way he acted fit more into the tired factor he looked like a sleepy pirate with a really weird hair cut.

“(Y/N)” he seemed to cheer up a bit.

“hey(Y/N) where are you staying that name sounds familiar.”

you looked down you had not thought about that yet you barely knew Stan Pines or where he lived and you were not about to go knocking on doors in this late hour.

“I don’t know” you replied honestly he looked at you and Mabel.

“well you can stay with us for the night if you like”. he said picking up Mabel you nodded and followed him. after a few hours you were at a what was called the Mystery shack. You followed him up the stairs to what was the spare room after saying your goodnights you put your bag down and went to bed.

Dragon girl. (Dipper x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now