a kiss and a dream demon

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*Later your pov*

It was getting late you had started to yawn.

“hey Dipper should we head back?” you asked as Dipper yawned.

“yea but I have something I want to show you” You smiled as he sneezed at the end of the sentence.

He took the lead away from the cave smiling like a naughty kid about to do something bad. He lead you far into the woods further than you had been before. You suddenly noticed the ground was starting to slope upwards. Until it ended in a clearing you gasped at how peaceful and beautiful the town looked.

“It’s so...just...wow” you stumbled on your words as you took a seat under a rock with Dipper.

“yea, I thought you would like it. It looks even better at night.” You looked at the glowing town and smiled.

“yea, it’s beautiful” you shuffled back as you felt the ice cold wind blow through you (H/L) (H/C) hair.

“yea it sure is” you looked at Dipper who was blushing a bright red even in the dark.

“not as cute as you though” You blushed as you shuffled next to Dipper his body warm even though it is was cold.

“yea, you are cuter” he said hugging you. All you could do is blush.

“hey (Y/N)?” you broke from the hug and looked at Dipper.

“yea?” You said as you felt your eyes widen. His blush seemed to brighten.

“y-you see...I-I sorta I...I mean I...why is it so hard to say?” you laughed at his awkwardness.

“your adorable” he shuffled and shied.

“yes I guess i am a bit but umm I was going to tell you that..”

“DIPPER LOVES YOU!!!” You jumped at the sudden noise.

“Mabel?” you said before looking at Dipper.

“what, how? what are you doing here?” he was blushing like mad.

“r-really?” you stumbled at the shock of Mabel suddenly appearing and what she just said.

“Yea, like Mabel said...I really like you” You blushed even more.

“me too” you burst out which made Dipper laugh. You were soon looking straight into Dipper’s eyes as you felt his soft lips meet yours. You closed your eyes and kissed back. Both of you soon broke the kiss to breathe. Suddenly a bright flash hit you dead in the eyes as you stumbled backwards.

“(Y/N) look out for the edge!” you suddenly felt Dipper’s hand grab onto your arm. When the effect wore off, you saw you were one step away from falling. You walked forward and hugged Dipper. Suddenly Mabel broke into a yell.

“BILL AHHH” she then ran right into Dipper making him trip.

“MABEL STOP YELLING and tell us what is wrong.” She just lay on top of Dipper terrified.

“It I saw him he was we have to go” you helped Mabel and DIpper up.

“Saw who?” you asked as Mabel ran behind you.

“H-him” she pointed to a figure it was triangle and glowing yellow.

“Bill” you heard Dipper say stepping in front of you.

“yellow Pinetree, shooting star and (Y/N)” you started to panic.

“how did you know my name?” he took one look at you and laughed.

“You? ha ha ha you ha ha you don’t know ooh this is too rich” he ended it with a evil smile.

“BILL, LEAVE NOW!” Dipper yelled.

“...that is, if you don't mind” Mabel added in shaking with fear.

“huh, at least shooting star has some manners and I can’t leave, not without (Y/N)” you gulped as your body become covered in a yellow glow.

“h-help” you were just able to whimper it before Dipper yelled back.

“NEVER YOU INSANE IDIOT GIVE (Y/N) BACK.” Bill looked at him before a smile appeared.

“so you want me to drop her? now?” Dipper pushed back Mabel, who was trying to say ‘no’.

“YES, yes please!” you looked down and tried to tell him ‘no’ , but it was too late.

“ok” Bill let go of you as you fell of the cliff.

“(Y/N)!” Dipper and Mabel yelled.

“oops” Bill evilly said as you fell.

You closed your eyes ‘what will happen to Dipper and Mabel?’ You felt a soft warm feeling. ‘would Dipper let go if I died? I am a dragon... I AM a dragon’ You felt your back open. ‘I can fly’ you pulled upwards as you felt the ground coming. Suddenly you were flying upwards. You opened your eyes and saw the ground become covered in clouds. You slowly flapped your wings and landed on a rock just behind Dipper and Mabel.

“HOW COULD YOU I THOUGHT YOU NEEDED (Y/N)” you saw Bill look at you and smile.

“oh pinetree...I don't need her, she needs me” you just stood there.

“SO YOU THREW HER OFF A CLIFF!? AND WHY IN ALL OF THE WORLD WOULD SHE NEED YOU!?” you jumped off of the rock and walked up to Dipper and Mabel.

“no...well, yes...but there is more to it...why don’t you ask her?” Dipper turned you found yourself face to face with him. he suddenly hugged you.

“so how does (Y/N) need you?” you broke the hug and spread out your wings.

“y-your part dragon?” Dipper asked all you could was nod.

“THAT IS AMAZING” Mabel yelled pulling on one of your wings.

“that is why she needs me...to teacher how to fly and stuff.” all you could do is growl showing off your newly grown fangs for teeth.


“Look here (Y/N) I don’t have to teach you this…” You had had it.


“ok fine I was just going to do your mum a favor you know since you usually learn off her” you were covered in anger.

“YEA AND YOU SUDDENLY KNOW HER” you felt yourself start to cry.

“(Y/N) calm down” Dipper said walking up to Mabel who was backing away from you.

“NO THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE”  you suddenly saw your reflection in a puddle. You gasped your eyes were dragon shaped and red. Your hair was replaced by (H/C) flames. You took a deep breath in and out letting go of your anger.

“Bill, go away” you said leaving.

“hey (Y/N) wait up” Mabel and Dipper said walking next to you.

*Mabel time skip*

*Dipper’s pov*

I walked into me and Mabel’s bedroom as (Y/N) went to her’s.

“hey Mabel why did you interrupted us” I asked putting on my PJ's.

“Because I knew you did not have the guts to tell her” I looked at her.

“I was about to” she gave me an ‘o really’ face “I was, I was just a little shy”

“ok prince Dipper whatever” she said going to bed.

“night Mabel” she looked at me with a smrek.

“Might goober” she replied as I sat in bed. (Y/N)’s kiss and everything else just kept playing.

Dragon girl. (Dipper x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now