Chapter I

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Two girls were sat in the sofa, the red haired one was playing with her phone while the orange haired was fidgeting around her seat. "Where's Jennie unnie?" The orange haired asked. The red haired looked at her and shrugged.

"Maybe she got out for a walk." The red haired added.

"Or maybe not, someone called me saying that they saw Jennie on a rooftop. She's crying a lot." A girl came in, this one's violet haired.

The red haired is known as Chaeyoung, Park Chaeyoung. The orange haired is Lisa, Lalisa Manoban.  And the violet haired is Jisoo, Kim Jisoo. They are the members of the pink gang. They may look weak and petite but you shouldn't judge them by their looks; They can kill you in a heartbeat.

"What are we doing here?! comeon! let's go! who knows what she'll do up there!" Lisa demanded, the trio ran and stopped infront of a Pink sports car, once they're all in, Chaeyoung drove off to the said building where Jennie was, the girl who will complete the gang.

They arrived at the place and hurriedly ran up the stairs. The trio gasped at the scene infront of them, Jennie, is already on the edge, preparing to jump.

"Unnie!" Lisa shouted at the brown haired girl. The said girl stopped dead at her tracks and turned to look at them. Tears are like waterfalls on her face. It won't stop falling. She smiled at them hands holding tight at the railing.

Little did they know that this is the last time they will see her smile. She released her grip and stand solid at the ground. She walked towards her friends, whom she love the most. And the only persons who accepted her.

She planted kisses on their cheek. And smiled, a sign of farewell.

Why didn't Chaeyoung, Lisa nor Jisoo do something to prevent Jennie from doing something she was about to do 10 minutes ago?

They were too shocked. They didn't expect this to happen.

She smiled once again and whispered, "I love you, thank you, sorry."

Before them, they saw her running off to the edge. Jennie was gone the instant she fell on the ground. Her soul left instantly, there's no chance of survival. Just as Jennie planned.

"JENNIE!" Jisoo shouted and pulled her hair in frustration. Lisa ran up to her to remove her hands that are threatening to remove her own her, once she succeed, she hugged the older and they both cried together.

Chaeyoung ran to the railing and looked down, she saw her, with crimson blood pooling around her dead body. Her stomach churned, Her brain couldn't process the sudden events, she felt dizzy. And she fainted.


It's been two years since she left. Two years since the war was ecpected to start.

Chaeyoung visited her grave. Her grave is full of flowers but it's all wilted.

Reason? They are busy preparing for a surprise attack, which haven't arrived since now.

Chaeyoung didn't really liked the idea of visiting her grave. Even though she loves her unnie, she still hates her because Jennie left them a letter saying that she did it just to hide a secret.

What is so important with that secret that she needs to take her life just to hide it. She asks herself.

For the past two years, one question kept on coming back on their heads, Is that secret was much more important than her life?

No one knows the answer, and rumour has it that they should participate in a war to find out about it.

And they're preparing for the surprise attack of the other group for the past two years, but it didn't came.

Chaeyoung put all the wilted flowers in the trashbin and replaced them with a new one, it took a long time because she's all alone. Jisoo insisted that she'll visit Jennie tommorow and Lisa will visit next so that there will be someone to guard their security cameras for the signs of any threat coming to them.

She was about to leave when she saw two boys standing infront of another grave, this caught her attention. The boys are attractive and she's a woman, and like what every other woman do, they will walk towards them.

scratch that, she'll only watch them.

She hid on a tree, 2 or 3 feet away from them, and she saw their faces clearly. The man on the left is maybe 5'10 in height and he wores glasses, oh and his hair is dyed purple. The one on the left is a little bit shorter, maybe 5'8 or 5'7 in height; still pretty tall though. And his hair is dyed with the shade of green and blue mixed together.

And they're not looking at a single grave, there's another grave at the left side of the grave that Chaeyoung saw.

That's when it got her, it's the Black Gang.

If it was Jisoo or Lisa, they should've left when they found out. But Chaeyoung, being the pushy one, stayed there, observing the two boys.

"Namjoon Hyung, when will you think the pink gang will come and get us?" the blue green haired one asked.

"I don't know chim, I just hope that this is worth it, I don't want any member of our family dead. We just lost two." Namjoon, Chaeyoung assumed answered the chim guy. Chim nodded and kicked the air.

But that's a wrong move, he slipped into the puddle and fall. He fell with a loud thump.

"Yah Jimin, what do you think you're doing?!" Namjoon asked him.

oh, his name's not Chim, it's Jimin. Chaeyoung laughed at her realization.

and since the place is silent and only the three of them are alive and breathing there, the sound of her chuckl traveled fast, like a speed of light, it was heard by the two guys.

Namjoon was already helping Jimin to stand up when they heard it. They looked at each other and when Jimin's already standing up, He looked around suspiciously and asked. "Did you hear that hyung?"

Namjoon nodded and pointed at the tree where Chaeyoung is "I think it came from there". She flicked her forehead with her hands and rubbed it because it hurts. She started to think of a way to escape the two good looking boys, she looked up and saw that the branches of the tree looked strong and thick. She climbed up in a rush and seeked for a leafy branch.

I hope the branches are strong enough to carry my weight. She thought.

"Ah!—Huh?" Jimin scratched the back of his neck when he saw nothing at the back of the tree.

"Nothing here hyung," Jimin said disappointedly. He hopes to see a cute girl, because based on the giggle, it's so girly and childlike.

"I think we're going nuts, let's go home now chim." Namjoon suggested and it made Chaeyoung sigh, she's clinging on the branch for her dear life. She's like a squirrel hiding from a predator.

"Bye Jin hyung! Bye Tae Tae!" Jimin bid goodbye at the grave. Namjoon followed him, waving at the graves. He looked around one last time and chuckled, The two of them are crazy, that's for sure.

Chaeyoung sighed when she only saw their figures. She got down on the tree and headed straight to her violet motorbike.

Man, visiting Jennie is a very exhausting thing to do.

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