Tournament 1st round finished

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Jeovard's POV
The battle between charlotte and hillow will start now and they have prepared there stances already

50,000 ton sword technique, Increase Status AGTx15 after her shouting the skill name her sword glowed really red and her feet glowed really green,she jumped off from her position and in mere seconds reached hillow

Shadow step after saying that he threw a shuriken into his right and stepped inside his shadow he came out from the shadow of the shuriken haha what a witty guy,after coming out the lady was already finished with her chanting and a magic circle formed in her hand

Holy Light Magic: Judgement Beam after her shouting that a beam was shot out from her hand and hit the ninja pushing him out of the ring

Ah instant winner Charlotte-San after hearing that she got off the stage and we stepped towards it I prepared my stance for battle and heard the signal,Chirong immediately changed it into the balancing scenery but before he finished his chanting I used my own magic to fly

Wind magic:Fly I hovered from the ground and with a lift off was able to fly I looked at him and thought maybe I shouldn't use magic Bat Sound Wave after that I created a sound wave which can destroy many things he used his Qi to block it but I only used as a diversion though,I went to his back and started chanting oh flames and darkness I ask thee for help create flames which eats everything and a pit that will torture many things Flaming Pit after my chanting the ground below him opened and then he fell but before he was burned to death I could hear him shouting I surrender so I immediately stopped the illusion and won after the announcer announced me winning and then Charlotte went onto.the stage preparing her stance and we started our battle

Dark magic:Hex tentacle a black fog suddenly appeared below her and a black tentacle grabbed her body Bear's Arms,Flea's Skin, Increase Attack,Increase Damage, Increase Senses,Armor Break, Diagonal Armor Breaking Slash bear's arm which increases my attacking power including increase attack and damage,flea's skin to protect myself from recoil, armor break to lower her defense and one of the techniques from my swordsmanship but really my attacks never are those huh always magic anyways after it hit her a fog was created a few seconds and it cleared showing her almost defeated and barely standing up when I suddenly heard her say a skill of hers

Damage to damage dealt that is the ultimate skill of a berserker in the next 30 seconds all the damage I gave her will be on her sword and per slash I could receive the same damage but after the 30 seconds she won't be able to move anymore shocking but typical I could defeat her for she already has low hp,is what I thought before hearing another of her skill Indestructible Fortress what the hell a skill that will make her indestructible making her receive 0 damage and what's worse it last 1 minute but that skill is only for paladins,don't tell me she controls 2 very different classes,argh this battle is getting way too long Oh god and light I ask thee to help me ......... create a light which heals me Holy Light Of Recovery the light then covers her body Healing her,and now we have a priest's power how anticlimactic she readied her stance and then jumped at me but before she reached me she used another skill Status Increase,Wind Slash her sword glowed green and she slashed me I didn't dodge anymore for I gave up

Sorry maki looks like I wasn't useful this time

Allen's POV
We interrupt what ever you are doing for the tournament is now going to begin there will be be 4 sections A B C D and all the registrants will be divided to these 4 and now enjoy the tournament DIVISION REGISTRANTS after them shouting light suddenly eneveloped me and the scenery changed,it was now inside of a dungeon/Tower,I was looking around the floor when suddenly a Hologram appeared in the middle

Hello everyone I am the MC of this section and now I would love to explain to you what you have to to win, Be the first to reach the top in any means,if you die in this tower you won't truly die for this tower is just a game,good luck after announcing that the Hologram disappeared and then a stair to the upper floor appeared everyone raced to go there while I and a few other people stayed in here, I immediately created my things using alchemy while the others try to make all their necessities for example resources which needs charging like chakra,fighting energy, and etc. and other people made their items,after I finished creating 20 HP potions,20 MP potions,Alchemy Bow, Flaming Spear,The Barrier Shield And aa3 mystery potions I went upstairs in the 2nd floor I have seen a bloodbath of people in their everyone was dead and the smell of a monster was still lurking in it I saw the stairs which led to the 3rd floor but I saw a monster,a snake which has 5 heads, harder than steel scales and a poisonous spit that can melt even the bones,nose that is 100,000 more powerful than a beast kin, Eyes which can perceive anything with heatnaga

How do I raid it with only me fighting it after thinking for a bit I finally formed a plan, first I used my flame and water magic to make a smokescreen then I will inflict a status ailment of slow on it, I will increase odour of myself everywhere to confuse it then I will use my alchemy bow to hit and finally kill it and let the plan begin Oh flames and water  I ask thee for help........  create a smoke that will block my enemy's eyes SmokeScreen the smoke then was created from my hand and covered the whole area, ran around while using Increase odour to confuse it then I went towards it and touched it Status ailment infliction-paralysis I grabbed my alchemy bow from my alchemy bag and pulled the string a magic arrow then formed in the bow Bow Mastery: Critical Shot it hit the naga and exploded after making sure it was dead I removed all of the smoke but then something happened the naga once more regenerated and now with even twice its head from
before what the heck how will I beat this guy and I remembered my other strengths,my power as a chef! It went near me once more and I dodged it and touched it on its side Crazy For Food crazy for food is a skill which increases stats but lowers intelligence and makes them starving, after I touched it I saw that it became hungry and saw me as a food I put my bow out and shouted Grappling arrow it shot towards the ceiling and I was able to escape the naga but now how do I make it go away? Well easy I will cook food for it, Oh Fire and Water I ask thee for help ....... create a portable cooking water for my food Cookery the water formed in my hand and started to boil I putted our a whole lot of lamb meat stuck it in many arrows shot it all around, I then shot out all of the cooking water, I could hear sizzling sound and then I used a skill Increase Odour, Increase taste, after the naga smelled it,it immediately went for it, I went downwards and ran for the stairs after reaching the 3rd floor another Hologram was made

Congratulations for you have finished the tower already we made it so that the 2nd floor was very hard but still we only made few floors for the Virtual World is very hard to make, thank you for playing and we will now show you the semifinals after the Hologram disappeared light covered me and then I was teleported to another place in that place I saw 3 other people lizbeth, Maki, and some other girl so what would the semifinal game be anyways?

I was going to be reincarnated but there was an Error Where stories live. Discover now