✦ Chapter Eight ✦

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The rest of the day flew in faster than I previously would have thought.

At around midday some cheese and crackers were delivered to the cell along with some water. I ate like a food-deprived slob as usual but I was looking pretty hellish anyway from being locked up like a zoo animal, even though I'm pretty sure zoo animals get a lot more freedom than me. Plus its not like there was anyone in particular to impress.

Will made jokes all day, from everything from our shitty accommodation to Nicki Minaj and her rather ridiculous bootilicious butt. Despite the situation, I'm lucky to have someone like Will.

Will, in a way, as cheesy as it sounds, is my life boat. I'm still lost at sea but at least he's helping me through it, helping me survive it.

I'd probably lose my mind if no one else was here. The walls are pale and moldy and to be quite honest look absolutely boring to share a conversation with.

At about nine we decided to go to sleep. Its probably ten now, heck, I wouldn't be surprised if it were later. I'm so tired but my mind is so active. It keeps jumping from one thing to another; from Lorenz and his ugly suit to Mr.Nugget to Will to my Dad and even to the depressing fact that I've missed tonights episode of, 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'.

I also have managed to count all of the ceiling tiles in the room. Three-hundred and twenty five.

I debate on whether or not to recount them just to be sure, may be on the off chance it will help me fall asleep.

"Violet?" Will groddily asks as I turn to focus on him. His hair is sticking up like he's just be dragged through a hegde but he still manages to pull it off...effortlessly.

"Why are you still awake?" He asks, "Holy shit, its midnight. You didn't sleep last night at all aswell, you need rest."

I shrug at him and resume counting the tiles. Twenty-five. Twenty-six. Twenty-eight.

I suddenly hear the bone-wrenching wail of metal being dragged along concrete - it's Will. He's dragging his bed over towards mine before pushing it with his knees so it's lined up perfectly beside my bed.

He sits down on his bed before sloppily rubbing his face with the back of his hand before proceeding to lie back on the pillow. He looks like a child and I find myself noticing how adorable he is right now.

"What are you looking at?" He smiles lazily. He looks exhausted.

"Nothing" I lie, looking back up towards the tiles. I sigh knowing that I've lost the location of the tile I was on.

"You seem sad?" He questions, his eyelids shielding his baby blue eyes.

I take a breath.

"I just want to go home" I comment simply, rolling onto my side, face focused on Will's.

His eyes open and my gaze is automatically consumed by his. He stares at me momentarily before whispering, "I am going to get you out of here, Violet. I promise you"

I shake my head and release a quiet laugh. "Thanks but unless you're Tom Cruise and you've got the whole mission impossible dealio going on, it isn't likely." I sigh.

He doesn't laugh but instead keeps his eyes glued to my own. "You shouldn't be here though. You're completely innocent." His voice is barely audible.

"And you're not?"

I find it difficult to believe someone as thoughtful and sweet as Will could be anything other than innocent. I assumed that it was possibly a family member that got him in here too.

His eyes disconnect from mine and he looks away like he's almost ashamed of something. He has to be innocent, he has to be.

After a few moments of silence I decide to speak, I don't like the tension in the air.

"I may be innocent" I begin, "but I'm not leaving this shithole without you. And that's my promise".

His eyes find mine again and the corners of his mouth tilt upwards. I find myself happy when his eyes are focused on mine.

"We're in this together" I declare and he immediately wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug. I smile into his chest and inhale his scent. Musk and sweat but somehow it's delightfully soothing.

He doesn't say anything more and neither do I. We just stay in the embrace, enjoying the moment. I even begin to feel my eyelids becoming heavier and heavier and before I know it, I'm fast asleep in Will's arms.


Author's note:

Do you guys think Will is innocent or nah lol

I havent updated in over a month which is insane and I'm sorry but I do have a valid reason I promise

This chapter was filled with fluff and is basically a filler and it's kinda short and Im not proud but I have thr next chapter written and there is drama so yeah idk

So yeah bye and I hope someone special buys you pizza sometime soon

~ Emily


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