Chapter 3

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Christine POV
" feel at home" Raoul said, then a maid appear "I assumed you are tired ,so please show them to there rooms" Raoul said to the maid and we followed the maid that lead us to our rooms. Madame Giry and Meg will be together after what happened. I wanted to be alone first which lead to my own bed . The maid gave me a sleeping gown "If you need anything miss Christine just call me" the maid , "please call me Christine and what's your name" I told her "I'm Eloise" she answered , " call me if you need me" and she left . I wore the gown and set off in the bed and went to sleep.

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" Christine I love you" said Phantom "I will find you and we will be together" while Raoul is suffocating from the punjab lasso.
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I woke up in terror . Then Raoul came to me " Christine you're breathing heavily and I heard your cries" . I hugged him tightly and he held me tightly . "Raoul I had a horrible dream about him" I told him

Raoul POV
I went to my room after Christine ,Madame Giry, and Meg left for their rooms. I just took my coat away and I put myself in bed but I couldn't sleep , so I decided to read a book to ease my mind . When I heard Christine's voice crying . I ran to her bed and try to calm her down. And she told me about what she dreamt."Raoul please never leave me" she said while sobbing , "of course I will never leave I will always be there for you" I told her . I just continued to hug to calm her until she slept. I never leave her room until my eyes are getting heavy and I suddenly need to sleep . I sat down to the nearest chair to the bed , so I can wake up if there is any problem. and I slept.

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