"Harry you can let me go you know."

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Alicia’s POV

“Getting married?” I shook my head looking at mom.

“Yes sweetie! Isn’t this amazing?” mom brought her hand around Des’ waist and smiled. He looked down at her and kissed her lips. I looked away, still not used to the sight in front of me.

I turned and walked out the room without saying another word. I knew exactly where I was going. Grabbing my phone, purse, jacket and a spare set of keys, I once again climbed out the window and down the familiar road to the cemetery.

“Hey dad.” I placed the flowers down that I picked up from the shops and sat next to him.

“So mom just told me that she and Des are getting married. I think it’s too early. It would always be too early. Why did this have to happen to you?” I looked at the headstone.

“Here lies Graham John Brown.

Loved husband of Maria and father of Alicia.

We will forever love you.

1969 – 2012.”

A tear trickled down my cheek but it was quickly wiped away. Life is unfair. First taking away the person I love the most and then replacing it with some bastard and his fucked up son.

I turned my head towards an unfamiliar sound in the distance. A car was driving up the road. It is dark and it is night time. People should be sleeping, not driving around cemeteries. I could be a murderer for all they know. The car stopped and a figure climbed out. I know that hair anywhere.

I waited until he came up to where I was.

“Why are you here Harry?” I turned away from him and faced dad again.

“Your mom was getting worried because you weren’t in your room. I had a feeling you would be here.” He sat down next to me.

I didn’t reply, I just waited until he started talking again.

“You know, what happened back at your house, before dinner was, ahh, like it ahh, was a spur of the moment, like thing.” He turned to face me now. Our faces merely inches away from one another.

“Whatever Harry. I don’t care anymore. Nothing in my life could get worse.” I shrugged. Harry began to grow frustrated.

“Well my life hasn’t been great either you know. First my parents’ divorce, so Gemma and I have to continue to switch places. Then my girlfriend, whom I loved so much you couldn’t even imagine, died of a drug overdose. I didn’t even know what was wrong with her and I can never find out now, can I? Then my dad goes off and marries someone whose daughter is a bitch.” His arms were moving all around the place.

I grabbed his arms and pulled them down to his side.

“Okay, we have both had a shit life. Truce?” I gave him a small smile and took my arms away from his and stuck my hand out for him to shake.

“Truce.” He put his hand in mine and shook it. I was just about to remove my hand from his, when he pulled me into him. With his arms wrapped around my shoulders and my arms tucked in between us both, you could say it was awkward.

This Is So Wrong (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now