"Harry, I need to talk to you."

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Alicia’s POV


“Turn around, close the door and leave Alicia.” Rachel snarled, and went back to kissing Caleb.

I did exactly what she had told me to. I turned around; shutting the door behind me and walking away with my head watching the floor pass by. Back in the kitchen, I saw Brittany talking with mom.

“Did you find the plates dear?” Mom asked, looking up at me.

“Ahh, no… there weren’t any there.” shrugging, I grabbed a glass of water.

“I’m sure there were some there. I’ll go have a look.” Mom began walking away.

“NO!” I quickly said, pulling mom’s arm back.

“What? Alicia don’t be ridiculous. Let me go.”

“No mom, I’m positive there were none there. Just trust me.” I practically begged. I was ready to drop onto my knees. Fortunately mom agreed to believe me and walked over to some guests. I turned back to Brittany.

“What was that?” she asked, giving me a weird look.

“Nothing… Let’s go find the boys.” I said, walking away from her and heading upstairs toward Harry’s room.

I opened the door to find the five boys on top of each other.

“An orgy? And I wasn’t invited? How rude.” I laughed and followed with a ‘just kidding.’

The boys just laughed, climbing off of each other and crawling to separate parts of the room. Brittany came out from behind me and walked to Louis, jumping onto his lap. I looked at the boys and contemplated my options. Obviously Louis was out of the question. I looked over to Niall who had surrounded himself with bags of chips, cradling a packet in his arms like it was a new born baby. I guess he’s out too. Zayn was sitting on a beanbag, taking most of it up and the only option for me to sit with him would be sitting on his lap and I don’t think we were close enough for that kind of touching yet. He’s out. Liam was lying on the couch that Harry had in his room, leaving no room for anyone to be able to sit on it with him. I sighed and began walking over to Harry’s bed… where Harry was.

“I’m bored.” Liam said, throwing his hands up and back down.

“Get over it. It’s either hanging in here, or socialising with my crazy family.” Harry said, folding his arms over his chest. I laughed a bit, agreeing with Harry’s reason to stay in his room 100%. He turned towards me and flashed his smile, making me melt and just want to grab him and hold him. I think that was the first time he smiled at me since Rachel and Jesse were here and I found out that they were ex’s.

I looked at Harry again, feeling terrible about seeing Rachel and Caleb together and not telling him. I decided that I would do the right thing and tell him now instead of finding out later and knowing I lied to him.

“Harry, I need to talk to you.” I said and stood up, holding my hand out waiting for him to put his in it. He stood up, without putting his hand in mine and walked out the room. I sighed and followed him. He walked into my room and waited until I made it inside, before closing and locking the door behind me.

“What?” he said, folding his arms again.

“You know that I love you Harry. You know that right?” I asked.

“Sure, whatever you think.”

I shook my head and continued, “I just want you to know that I’m telling you this because I care about you and I don’t want you to be hurt later on, okay?”

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