Stirring Hope

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6.2 kgs of plastics found in a whales stomach...too much waste...

Jafar threw the newspaper across his bed with a huff pacing around  his room back and forth with anticipation.

He was worried about their canceled awareness campaign.

The villagers have for years now simply find it Right to liter the river or the river bank, which he and the group find it hard to adapt to or even accept this famous barbarian act, so that is how it all began.

One morning as they were up as usual to fetch water from the river, an older woman threw in a plastic bottle casually and unremorseful, which when they confront her result to a very mild argument,
she claiming how disrespectful the young boys were when Mike had told her haughtily 'You should at least consider the lives inside there'

It was later in the afternoon six of them gathered and reasoned out what the problem is and what their solution would be.

The problem of the villagers is mainly ignorance, Most of them are unaware of how their simple acts are affecting other lives out their in the river so the solution is to enlighten them and also educate them of the dangers of their acts, which the six boys set out to do determinedly.

The Next few days were set to make flayers and Notes, they even made Souvenirs of T-shirts and caps dedicatedly contributed from their local savings. Everything was well planned and organized, Mike is to distribute the Souvenirs, Eze and Jake will share the awareness Notes to the villagers, Adam, Cedric, and  JJ will post the flayers around town and especially at the river area and Finally Jafar will recite the speech he wrote 'STIRRING HOPE' at  the campaign.

Even though the boys knew little knowledge about public gatherings and campaigns but they did spectacularly manage the arrangement and at the end they were even more proud of their Slogan: 'Save The River: Save Lives: Stirr Hope for the fishes'.

But there was one thing that didn't go to plan, the district head refuse to grant them a campaign licence saying they were just teenagers trying to cause trouble and At the end he dismiss their bargain saying 'You boys should stop worrying about elderly responsibilities or saving fishes!'

They left with quenching hearts realizing why the small village remain undeveloped simply because the leaders don't welcome new ideas and so because they are too young they were made to give up.

Even their other friends offered little hope like 'maybe he will change his mind and give you the license'

But since then, Jafar had been working his mind out for a way to achieve their goal and help save the river.

Right now he stopped pacing the room and picked his cell phone, If there is one thing the village is advanced at is the used of internet, so he called Mike ' tell the group I have an idea'

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