Chapter 3: Katsuki Bakugou

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Warning: this story contains some kinky details a few drama scenes. If you don't like it then don't read it. As for the rest of you. Enjoy!!!

It's been a week since Midoriya's official lover, Shoto Todoroki, told him why Bakugou and the other guys were giving him the cold shoulder. He had no idea that Bakugou, his childhood friend could be so damn petty. But Midoriya couldn't blame the violent teen for behaving this way since it was his fault for leaving without telling everyone minus the girls and his mother.

Flashback: Midoriya and Todoroki were in the hotel restaurant eating breakfast and discussing about what's going on with the guys. And Midoriya was calm and collected until Todoroki explained why Bakugou turned the male students against him.

"So the reason why they have been ignoring me and treating me like dirt is because I didn't talk or hang out with them all summer." ,said Midoriya, feeling really pissed off.

Todoroki sighs and replied, "Yea, even Iida felt a little betrayed, but he always tried to talk some sense into us, and honestly we all can't express our feelings like you do, Midoriya-san."

The Fire and Ice user was right about one thing mostly every male student at the school has a habit of bottling up their own feelings and emotions inside of them no matter how painful it is for them and their love ones.

The green haired teen did a little breathing technique as he reach out to hold Todoroki's hand and said, "Well, I figured this would happened sooner or later, but I'm still gonna need your help with my plan I told you about, so will you help me, Todo-chan."

His lover smiled a true smile for the first time and said, "Of course." :End Flashback

Midoriya still couldn't believe Bakugou's arrogance and childish acts. All because the green bushy haired teen didn't call him or the guys all summer long. And knowing Bakugou, he always tend jumped to conclusions which could get him and the others into some serious trouble. Not to mention it will ruined their reputations as heroes, too.

Midoriya had no choice, but to tell them the truth about why he left all of a sudden, but isn't sure how to tell them neither. Since they were still giving him the cold shoulder.


Later at school, Bakugou was walking down the hallway wondering where was the person, whom he ask to spy on Todoroki, disappeared to.

It was then he realized that he completely ruined his already fragile friendship with Midoriya, who went from shy and quirkless to self confident and popular. He's been walking aimlessly around the hallway and thought, "I knew it was wrong to turn the guys against Deku, but it was the only way to keep these feelings hidden but now its too late to stop this. I really destroyed Deku and his reputation at school" Bakugou is utterly in a dark state because he feels responsible for hurting Midoriya because he couldn't understand how he really feels about his chilldhood friend, or the one he truly likes.

Just then he hears a familiar voice, "Um...Bakugou-san."

"What is it?", replied Bakugou, feeling frustrated and emotionally drained.

Todoroki, who look more and more beautiful, stood there as the explosive user gave him the most deadliest glare he ever seen. And he became very frightened without his strong boyfriend by his side, but he needs to keep their relationship a secret. Because it's all part of Midoriya's plan to punish every boy who took Bakugou's side and for treating Midoriya like an outcast. And he too, needs to stop this whole "giving the once quirkless teen the cold shoulder" madness before it gets worse than it already is.

The Fire and Ice user hesitated for a bit and said, "There's something I want to tell you that's really important and private, so can we talk about this somewhere else after school, please."

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