Its just the beginning

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It all started the day my mom died, ever since my mom died everything changed to the worst , it was heaven living with mom , she used to be my best friend , I didn't have any friends back then , I used to hate everyone I know , except my family they were there for me when I needed them , but when my mom died I felt that they didn't care about her death like I did, yes the did cry and all but I felt that didn't feel sad as I felt, my dad didn't even bother coming to the funeral, God knows where he was . I didn't have any sisters to play with with , two older brothers and a twin brother and I wasn't really close with them.

My mom loved us with all her heart , she took really good care of us .  She was a lovely lady , she was loved by all ,I remember the day she died , it was a sad day ... A car accidents.. That's how she died I remember getting a phone call from her , I answered cheerfully as I would always do but instead of hearing her voice , I heard a strange guy voice I couldn't recognize who's voice was it , he asked me if I knew the owner of the phone I said yes and then he replied saying that she was no longer alive , and everything turned black.

My life was all messed up , my mom used to help me in everything . Two months have passed ever since she died and I still can't believe it , I started to hate everything , my school , my classmates , my own family , every single thing , I lost my interest in everything .

I was seriously thinking about suicide , at that point I didn't find any reason to live , I always act like I'm happy when I'm not , I thought I was doing a good job at acting but I was wrong . my twin brother, Adam came to my room one day , we weren't that close as you would think twins would be but we still played after school everyday , so he knows me pretty well , he could tell if I was lying or not , he asked me if I was okay I lied and said that I am , he kept asking me the same question and I kept denying it , until I couldn't take it anymore and I started crying , I realized that I would never get over her , no matter how much I try . I told Adam everything how mom's death affected me and how I was really close to killing myself, he started to tear up a bit , then we both started to cry he hugged me and told me that he felt the same , and that made feel better I was not alone , we ended up watching movies for the rest of night .

I couldn't sleep that night , I was thinking about my older brothers , Jamal and Noah , did mom's death affected them as much as it did to me? They went to live in Muscat , they are both married and they both have three children, they are both super close , they rarely fought when they were kids , I really love them but sometimes I don't feel like I'm their sister we can go weeks without talking and that's honestly sad .

I eventually slept at around 3 in the morning , I woke up that day and I felt happy , it was weird since I didn't feel that from what seems like years , I decided to call my grandma and ask her to come over . She came two hours after I called her , she was was acting a bit weird , she would suddenly just disappear , she would be gone for hours then I would randomly find her at the garden staring at the walls , I didn't bother much cause that what old people do . Soo it was 11:30 and we decided to sleep , we both shared a bed since there was no where else to sleep , I brushed my teeth , changed into my pajamas and went to sleep .

I woke up at three in the morning , I had a feeling that there was someone else in the room , I looked at the door to see my mom standing there , I didn't want to leave my bed it was so warm and I was sleepy, but I managed to get out of bed . I was really careful leaving my bed I tried not making any noise that would wake up grandma , as I reached for the door , I looked behind me to see if I had woken up grandma and to my surprise she was awake , she looked... Shocked she was sweating and shaking a lot , she was pointing at the door , I looked at the door and there. Was nothing ... She was trying to say something but I couldn't understand what she trying to say , I rushed to her to see what's wrong .

" grandma , are you okay ? " I asked , but she didn't answer she kept pointing at door and shaking , I went to the kitchen downstairs to get her a glass of water hoping it would help her , as she finished drinking the water she threw the glass across the room as hard as she could , I panicked and I stood away from her .

" madi why are you awake now " she asked , she still staring at the door

"Um.. I don't know I felt like someone was in the room " I wasn't sure if I should've told her that but I did

" and was there someone in th room ? " she asked , that made me more scared

" Mom was at the ..."

"Who ?" This time she turned and looked at me I've never seen grandma looking this scary

" my mom.." I said again

" who ?" She asked again

" grandma I told you twi.." She cut me off before I could finish my sentence

" answer my question, who was in the room ? " she was dead serious I sighed then answered

" my- OH MY GOD MY MOM???? How? " how in the world did I not realize that my mom just came in my room

" yes sweetie it took you forever to realize that your mom is dead "


How's the chapter ?
More exciting stuff is coming in the next chapter , it's just the beginning!


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