Concert Time

305 12 2

"Steph! Are you almost ready? You don't want to be late for your idols' first concert, do you?"

"Coming now Dad! Don't rush me! I need to look perfect for them. I MUST make a good first impression"

"But Steph ~"

I cut him off "No Dad! I don't care if they don't remember me, and I know that it's just a concert, but I still have to try and get them to notice me!!"

"Ok, ok. I'm not going to argue with you!" "Now let's go, before you're late!"

My dad and I got in the car and started our 45 min journey to the city, where Good Charlotte were having their 1st concert, here in Sydney. The tickets were a birthday present I got for my 18th birthday from my parents, because they knew how much I LOVED Good Charlotte and the brothers that were in the band, Joel & Benji Madden.

About 25 mins after we left the house, I got a text from my best friend Bella, who I was meeting there.


Hey Steph! Where r u? I'm waitin' out the front 4 u! Hurry up!

I texted her back saying, ~

Hey! I'm omw! I'll c u soon!

20 mims later:

I get out of the car, give my dad a kiss goodbye and walk over to Bella, my best friend, who was sitting on the steps outside the arena. I ran up behind her scared the living day lights out of her, according to her.

"STEPH!!!! Omg, don't ever do that AGAIN!! You scared the living daylights out of me!"

"Sorry! But hey, I'M HERE!!!!"

"Haha, about time too. Look they're opening the doors!"

"Quickly then, let's run to the front and try to get in first!!"

We ran as fast as we could to the doors, even though they were right behind us. With our amazing running skills of about 5 metres, we were first in line. I had my ticket and Bella had hers and we showed it to the security person and they let us in. When we got inside, we basically screamed our lungs out because we still couldn't get over the fact that we were going to see our idols perform, and it gets better ... we were going to be in the FRONT ROW!!

There was a door on the right side of the corridor that we had to go through, before we could actually go inside to the area where they were going to be performing. As we walked through the door, these people gave us raffle tickets and they told us that at the end of the concert, the guys would be calling out 2 ticket numbers and the colour of the tickets and those 2 lucky people will win a VERY special prize.

About 45 mins later, they were opening the doors to the inside area and Bella and I ran towards our door. When we walked through it, we came to the section where we were sitting and it was the very middle of the front row, when we walked to our seats we were the ONLY people so far in the performance area!

"This place is huge, isn't it Bella?!"

"Omg! I know right!"

"Just think that in about 30 mins - 1 hr this whole place is going to be jam packed with thousands of GC fans!" "I just can't wait!"

Bella agreed with me and we sat in our seats and waited. I was getting thirsty and so was Bella, so I decided to go and get us some drinks. When I came back, I didn't only have drinks but I also got 2 GC shirts, that this lady gave to me for free. There was about another 20 mins of waiting but I don't think anyone in the crowd really cared because they were all massive fans of the new punk rock band.

20 mins later ...

The whole arena was pitch black and then all of a sudden a billion lights came flashing on, and 2 people standing at the front of the stage. There they are, I thought to myself. My idols are less than 20 metres away from me, looking as sexy as ever in all black. Then behind them were were the others. I loved all of them, I really did, but Joel and Benji Madden were the best and the sexiest out of GC!

The music for Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous started playing and then they started singing and the whole arena were singing along with them.



After the song had finished, Joel and Benji were talking.

"Hello Sydney!!!!" Said Joel through the microphone.

"How are you all this evening?" Benji asked and the crowd roared and Bella and I were screaming our lungs out.

I didn't realise but Bella had brought 2 posters that she had made. One for her to hold up and one for me to hold up. We didn't hold them up yet but we were planning to later in the night. I took my phone out of my pocket to check the time and it was 9pm already and tonight was going to be a long but incredible night. I knew that I would never forget this night for the rest of my life.

1 hr 30 mins later ...

By this time they had sung about 5 other songs and talked about their time together and they even answered some questions from twitter, including mine and Bella's questions. They had a spotlight that came down on both of us after they answered the question because they wanted to know who asked the question, anyway. Now Benji was asking everyone who had a poster to hold it up and if they could, they were going to read it! Immediately I put my poster straight up in the air and screamed as if my life depended on them seeing the poster.

"Quick Bella, quick! Put your poster up!!"

"Ok, ok hold on one sec"

About 5 seconds later her poster was up and we were both waving them around in the air. So far they had only read out 2 posters and then this camera came and pointed on ours. We were screaming so much, I wasn't even sure if sound was coming out of my mouth! They read it out to the crowd and we both started crying, because that was the second time tonight that they had noticed us! We were beyond happy right now. And then we put the posters down and hugged each other so tight that they kept the camera on us and everyone went "awwww", even the boys! Then the song 'Hold On', which makes me cry every time it's on, started playing and everyone in the arena were holding something that had a light on it, and the whole place had tiny lights everywhere. (It looked like the night sky).

1 hr later ...

Joel announced that they would be singing one more before they announced the 2 lucky ticket winners.

"Ok guys, so were are going to be singing one more song for you all tonight and this song is called 'Last Night', and hopefully this song will be stuck in your heads after 12 (midnight) so you can remember that tonight was the best night of your lives! They started singing Last Night and then before you knew it, they were announcing the 2 lucky ticket winners.

"Ok Benj, would you like to do the honours of drawing the 2 lucky winners from tonight?" Asked Joel.

He replied, "Of course I would Joel!"

"Now would you all like to get your tickets out please?" Asked Benji.

When they thought everyone had theirs out, he started to read the ticket numbers and colours.

"Both tickets are BLACK tickets. BLACK tickets" Joel repeated.

"And" Benji continued. "The numbers are ..."

(A/N) So guys, what do you think so far of my first Fan-Fic on GC and The Madden Brothers??

Please comment and give me feedback on what I could do better!

Thanx guys,

Steph 💙

It All Started At Their 1st ConcertWhere stories live. Discover now